Sins are never private but can be forgiven

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Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on

Sins are something that is unavoidable. While I say unavoidable, I mean no human being is perfect, but we can strive to avoid sin. Let’s look at the Commandment of keeping Sunday Holy. How many of us do not go to church or Mass because of every excuse imaginable? Churches are everywhere and they would welcome you with open arms. No matter your age or lifestyle, you can keep Sunday Holy by simply spending one hour by going to church. Sins are avoidable with effort.

No sins are private because God knows and sees everything.  Some of us believe “oh, it doesn’t matter if I do this because no one knows.” Sin is seen to God as He sees everything good. God knows all the hairs on your head so nothing you do or not do escapes God. To avoid a sin means to change a bad habit or tendency. Change of schedule or lifestyle. Change is always difficult, but once you stop doing an unhealthy activity and focus on a healthy task, you become happier. Putting sin in the past is an awesome feeling.

Sin go in the past

I put a sin in the past yesterday when Jeff and I finally married in the Catholic Church. I don’t know why we put it off as long as we did. We attend Mass every week and follow Catholicism. I feel so much better now than I did before. Letting go of sin no matter how small or big equals a healthier you.

Th Catholic Church works to convert people to know Jesus and include everyone in His church. You are never disqualified from God’s love. We all have a way of forgiveness and understanding through confession. Think about your excuses. When you die and meet Jesus will He be pleased with why you continued to sin when you had so many chances to stop? Will Jesus understand why you ignore His commandment about not attending Church? We all will have to answer to him one day. Are you ready? If not, start this second to make the changes needed.

Also, if you’re ever not invited somewhere, don’t stress. I used to feel very sad when someone didn’t invite me somewhere. Now I’m less sad because Jesus always invites me and you. We are invited daily to pray, be with Jesus, act in kindness, attend church, go to confession and the list is endless. We are always invited by Jesus and that is more important than anything else.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.