30 Minute Advent Challenge

a close up shot of a woman holding a rosary while praying
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

In the beginning, God existed, which means so did Jesus. Being Catholic or Christian may seem like it’s getting more complex. Society frowns against moral law and pushes Jesus further away. I’ve moved Jesus away at certain times in my life. However, I learned that following Jesus made my life easier and happier.

We all have had difficult times and prayed to God. Sometimes His answers are clear and quick. Yet, sometimes it seems like there needs to be an answer. Unanswered prayers can feel discouraged and disconnected from God. However, the true miracle is in the works without realizing it.

I pray daily, moment to moment, and constantly. Jesus is an actual living person sitting in front of us and wants to be in our lives. He wants to guide, help and share in our happiness. Jesus is right there, and we don’t know it. He’s not distant.

Miracles occur not occasionally but daily. They come in all sizes, shapes, and circumstances for you or those who need prayer. Never give up on prayer because you’ll look back at the situation and see God. The answer might not be exactly how you think it should be, but you’ll see God in the case.

If you have yet to go to Mass, try it. If you last went to Mass a while ago, now is the time to try again. People go to Mass not because they like the priest or the building but because they want to sit in the presence of Jesus. Prayer is a conversation with Jesus. No right or wrong way to pray. It’s a simple conversation with the Lord. Bring your children and family. Science, media, and anything secular can’t compare to a relationship with Jesus.

During this Advent season, I challenge you to take 30 minutes to sit in the presence of God each day of Advent. You’ll be amazed how a relationship will change you. I’m praying for you.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.