Lent is the forty day period beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Thursday. Christians celebrate the Season of Lent. Catholics celebrate differently, but we celebrate the general gist of it as all Christians. In our house, Lent is a big deal with traditions, fasting, Bible, Mass, reconciliation and giving.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is when people receive ashes on their forehead from a priest. The ashes represent that we are mortal, and we need forgiveness for our sins. You can wash off the ashes whenever you feel the need.  Every year, Ash Wednesday falls on a different date so check your calendar so it’s not missed.
Catholics fast from overeating, and we avoid meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. Fish is acceptable. Fasting helps us refocus our attention on God and not worldly needs. If you can’t fast due to medical, health, pregnancy/nursing, or younger than 14, that is perfectly acceptable. You know your capabilities and so does God.  He wouldn’t want you to put any health in jeopardy. Every Friday, Catholics abstain from meat and on Good Friday, we also fast again.
Lent in our home
In our family, we strive to take Lent seriously. We do not eat meat on Fridays / Ash Wednesday/Good Friday. We donate money, food and clothes to others. I used to give up candy etc, but I started adding something to make a more meaningful relationship with God. I pray, add the Rosary, read the Bible and listen to my Hallow app. With the children, I try to pray the Rosary with them, discuss the significance of the action of the crucifixion. We also talk about the importance of repentance. They also try to be more kind and gentle with others. They give up things like YouTube, technology and sweets.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation)is a common Lent activity.  In Catholicism, we go to a priest and tell them how we can improve to ask for forgiveness. I can’t tell you how amazing confession feels after you hear that your sins have been forgiven. We sin so admitting sins and asking for forgiveness isn’t only refreshing but draws you closer to God. After confession, I can’t stop smiling and just feel glowing inside and out.
Think about a relationship that is broken – friend, family member, spouse, co worker. Then, you finally reconcile and your heart feels full of love/relief. You feel a reconnection. God wants that reconnection with you. That’s the power of confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation.) Reconnection with God our Father.
Having cerebral palsy makes confession challenging. My speech makes speaking clearly difficult when I’m nervous and, of course, everyone is nervous when confessing. However, once I start, my body begins to relax and words come especially after praying to the Holy Spirit. Everyone can confess – no matter where you are in your life. Letting go of sins, hearing that God forgives you and striving to sin no more. We should try to confess during Lent. Â
Lent Suggestions
- Practice saying thing with love, kindness and patience.
- Fast – do away with something or an activity that isn’t good for your soul.
- Try something that is good for your soul. – More time with family, volunteer, prayer.
- Reconcile with others. – Forgive others and seek forgiveness.
- Donate whatever you can. – Go through your clothes to donate, food, money or your time.
- Go to Mass or Church. Church isn’t designed for the perfect – it’s for everyone to be closer to the one who loves you and will love you for eternity.
- Pray – Prayer is just a conversation with God. Try it.
Remember if you mess up some days, just strive to try again the next. God is always here for you – good and bad days. He’s waiting for you to talk to Him.Â