Blessings In My Life As A Woman with Cerebral Palsy

Blessings of family

Blessings sit right in front of your face or hidden in the background. Sometimes when we pray, our prayers aren’t immediately answered. Unanswered prayers frustrate us and wonder why. However, someone told me that God hears each prayer and used in the best way of God’s timing. God’s timing might not be my timing, but it’s the best time.

I find blessings anywhere. We all can if we look hard enough. I’m going to write about 4 blessings in my life right now. I hope to inspire those who feel a bit lost in hope to trigger some ideas for you.

Blessings In My family

My family remains my greatest blessing. They only get better everyday. Laura is developing into one of the genuine best young woman I know. We are very close, laugh, play games and support. I’m so blessed to have her not only as a daughter but as she grows, a friend. Jason is 7 and not a day passes that he does not make me smile and laugh. He has the best personality, biggest heart and sense of humor.

Whenever my kids aren’t with me, it’s a missing part in my heart. Jeff is my husband and we have plenty of bumpy moments. But at the end of the day, he surprises me with even a small act of kindness. He is one of my biggest fans and I know he will move Heaven and Earth to help solve a problem,

I can always count on my parents and extended family. They offer support and love.

Faith in God

I have many unanswered prayers and questions to God. But I also have a strong sense that God is always on my side. I’m Catholic, and believe me I know all the controversy that goes with being Catholic. However, the core beliefs I wholeheartedly stand by. I have a strong relationship with Mary, Jesus and all the Saints. I pray several times a day and it keeps me grounded. In a world where people are anxious, unhappy, depressed – I noticed that the more we listen to God – the happier we are. I thank Him for my faith and blessed that I can overlook any unanswered prayer to know He is in control.

Teaching blessings finally started

If you’ve been a long time reader, you know teaching has been a long term goal. First, I found it a miracle that I became a substitute teacher. I have a severe form of cerebral palsy. I need help with basically all of my daily living needs plus a speech impediment. Regardless, I persevered my goal. I can still feel the uncontrollable feeling of joy the first time hired as a special education teacher at Phoenixville School District. On the first day, I pretty much went into a position that I never expected. I learned several techniques plus that I can do virtual/hybrid/home teaching. I write IEPs, talk to parents, colleagues, observed by the principal. Helping my students learn academically but also know that they can be successful and happy remain my goal.

Independence with cerebral palsy

Forty five years with cerebral palsy teaches me many things. Asking for help needs to happen. But finding independence when possible makes me feel joy. I stay physically strong by working out. When home, I stay out of my wheelchair to retain flexibility. I use special forks to feed myself when possible. My footie sweatpants from FeeJays sweatpants that I put on myself help because I don’t have to ask for help putting on socks. My feet are always cold. I can put on sweatpants or pajamas myself but never socks. Now I don’t have to ask because the socks are built in.

Most importantly, I treat my attendants and whoever helps me with respect and gratitude.

I hope this inspires you to feel grateful in your own life! Happy January!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.