Black Friday Deals and Memories

woman carrying bear plush toy inside store
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on

Black Friday plan of action or memories, but today is the day. Last night I did most of my shopping on Amazon and Kohl’s, which have already been showing great deals. So my bulk of shopping is complete, but I still have people that need gifts.

Using my method to save money during the Christmas season has worked. I used my credit card rewards to pay for many things. Next year, try it for yourself. I enjoy shopping and want to find the best prices.

I have beautiful memories of Black Friday with my dad. He used to take me to the mall, and we would buy some Christmas gifts. Of course, our primary goal was to see the decorations and everyone buying presents for others. Seeing generosity in people made us smile. After that, we would eat lunch or dinner. Some thought it was crazy, but we had fun. We would visit the mall multiple times during Advent to have fun together.

As the years went on, my dad’s knees wouldn’t allow him to walk around as he did. Online shopping also became more popular with deals. I sometimes take my children shopping on Black Friday, but we go to the mall at least once to see all the shoppers and decorations. There’s something magical about people buying for others and the glistening lights.

We have some Black Friday traditions of cleaning, getting ready to decorate, going to movies, and sometimes the mall. Whatever it is that you do, have fun and make memories. Memories are meaningful and last a lifetime.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.