Rosary gives love and endless protection

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Rosary has gotten me through so many difficult situations. I know that people who are not Catholic usually do not pray the Rosary. However, praying the Rosary is available to everyone. Mary is the mother of Jesus! We can go to her for everything and anything. Talking to Mary isn’t worshipping her like we only do for God. Praying for her intercession is fine. Asking Mary or a saint to pray for you is the same as asking a friend to pray for you or some situations.

Saying the Rosary daily will help give you comfort and protection. Through technology, praying it is easier and more convenient than ever. So many apps offer the Rosary. Even though I own several Rosaries, I still use an app. Personally, I own several apps depending on the day or situation. I strive to pray each day. I don’t promise to because life happens, but I try and often succeed because it’s a priority.

Even though we have apps, I started to keep a Rosary in my purse. Having the beads physically with me, makes me feel safe, kinder, and a reminder that I am a daughter of God. My daughter, Laura, has been struggling with health issues after having a concussion. I pray the Rosary for her. She is improving and I know Mary us interceding for her. I also ask for anything Mary thinks is needed. She knows way more than I do.

Rosary Advice

Praying might seem like a difficult long task. You can break it down and do a decade at different times during the day. Use an app. An app will keep you focused and nice praying it with someone else. Pray the Rosary with family members. Always keep a Rosary with you for your protection. When you feel lonely, pray to our Mother, Mary. She will be with you, as will Jesus. He will be there in your lonely places with strength. Trust me, once you start a prayer routine, you’ll feel the results and will be sad when you skip a day.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.