Advent is Sunday! I like the season of Advent because we are preparing our hearts and home for the Christmas season. Advent is a season that lasts four weeks. Each Sunday, we start a new week of Advent until Christmas Day.
Even though December is a busy month, Advent is a time to prepare. Prepare for what? The birth of Jesus on Christmas Day. Without Jesus, the world would be bleak. No love for our neighbor, no forgiveness, no kindness, and little to no compassion. We now know love because Mary said yes to God to bring Jesus into the world.
How do we celebrate Advent? We first look inside our hearts. Are we the best person that we can be? Who should we forgive? Who can we be kinder? Do we put Jesus first? Self-reflection comes first and foremost. These are ongoing questions to ask daily.
Advent activities
- Buy or make an Advent wreath. Light a candle each night at dinner. There are three purple candles and one pink candle. – Advent wreath
- Read part of the Bible each day.
- Pray as a family every day.
- Give gifts to those in need. Advent Prayers
- Donate items to a local charity. Each day during Advent, pick an item to donate and deliver the box on Christmas Eve.
- Attend Church every Sunday, especially during Advent.
- Give financially to a church. They need it right now.
- Decorate for Christmas. Remember the Nativity scene.
- Send Christmas cards. Cards
- Visit a live Nativity.
- Make a paper chain of good deeds your family has done or wants to do.
- Contact a friend or family member.
- Smile daily and less complaining.
- Make a Gingerbread house. Invite neighbors for fun. Gingerbread House
- Sing Christmas carols and learn some new ones.
- Offer compliments to others, especially those you don’t like.
- Consider fostering or adopting a child.
- Bake treats for a friend or family.
- Read a Christmas story each night.
- Watch Christmas movies with a positive message.
- Foster or adopt a pet.
- Donate jackets, socks, and gloves to a shelter.
- Be a good example to others.
- Stop or begin to let go of a bad habit.
- Drive around to look at Christmas lights.
- Appreciate what you have and show others how.
- Invite someone to Church.
- Have a pie bake-off and donate the pies to a shelter.
- Sit in the quiet with Christmas lights and enjoy the quiet time.
- Pray the Rosary.
- Say thank you to everyone.
- Yell less and hug more.