National Junior Honor Society and Laura

National Honor Society

National Junior Honor Society isn’t easy to join. It is much like a college application. For some colleges, this application might actually be more difficult. Laura has accepted to join the NJHS. It has been an excellent way to celebrate all of her hard work.

Laura is a very serious academic student with an awesome track record. She has only once gotten an 87 on her report card. All of her grades exceeds 90, and I’m not even sure how she accomplishes it. I know that I’m extremely proud of her and so grateful to know her.

When Laura entered Kindergarten, I talked to her about how important having good grades are in life. No, I don’t think that they are the most important thing, but grades do matter. Laura obviously took my advice to heart because she has excellent grades.

Up until last year, Laura went to a charter school that focused strongly on academics. Looking back on it, they might have pressured academic success a little to strong. As she grew older, Laura confided in me that the school contributed to her anxiety. Even though much pressure was self inflicted, she felt she always had to be in the 90s.

National Junior Honor Society

When Laura was in fifth grade, she was inducted into the honor society at the charter school. She enjoyed being a part of the group because they did volunteer work and tutoring the Kindergarten students.

For sixth grade, Laura decided to change schools to our district. The school is hardly a five minute walk from our house. I had some reservations, but it turned out to be the best decision. Laura flourished socially and she wasn’t as shy. She was in two school plays and another coming in March.

There National Junior Honor Society didn’t begin until 7th grade. Laura worked hard all last year and this year for distinguished honors. I couldn’t believe the application when she showed me. She had to write three long essays, two letters of recommendation and a yearly plan for volunteer work.

Laura worked hard on it, and I was honored to help her with some ideas and editing of essays. We were both relieved when she turned it in before Christmas break. Then the anticipation began.

Two weeks ago, as I was doing some work, I received a text as Laura walked home from school. She told me that she was accepted into the honor society!!! We were all thrilled! Coming up soon will be her induction ceremony, and I’m sure I’ll be holding back tears.

If you’d like to support Laura’s Girl Scouts troop, you can order cookies online.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.