Tips For Trying To Find A Job With A Disability And Fight Discrimination

Find a job

Job searching is a normal action for most a dults because it’s good to make an income and being able productive in society. When you have a disability, especially cerebral palsy, finding an employer to hire you isn’t easy. Hiding a physical disability is nearly impossible, and a physical difference is the first attribute someone notices. How does someone with a disability find employment? When does a person with a disability tell the potential employer about their disability? Hopefully, this article will help you do your absolute best to try to get that employer to give you an opportunity.

Do you have a resume? To find a job, the first thing you’ll need is an attractive one page resume. Now some people might question if you can have two pages, and the answer is yes, but only if you have a really outstanding reason to do so. I would advise to not put your disability anywhere on your resume. You don’t want to give anyone any opportunity to discriminate before even meeting you. I learned this by my own resume and noticed that I get much more responses without any indication of my disability on the resume.

Try to have as much credentials and proof of education as possible. Employers want to see that you are capable of handling the job. But, most importantly, you want to have any advantage as possible over any applicants. The more educated that you are, the better your hiring potential will be. Bring in professional reference letters from people that can prove that you can accomplish what you’re saying you’ll accomplish.

Before going on an interview, don’t forget to practice. For anyone, interviews can be extremely nerve wracking and intimidating. Interviews are basically selling yourself and what you have to offer. When you’re on the spot, you might not remember all of the amazing qualities that you have. Practice does really make perfect and also you’ll feel less stressed when you go for the actual interview,

Sooner or later your potential employer will find out about your disability. Only after you secure an interview should you to disclose your disability if needed. For example, if you use a wheelchair it’s important to know if the job location is wheelchair accessible. Now is the time to ask and it gives you a gentle way to prepare them that you do have a disability.

During the interview, you’ll want to be prepared to discuss how you can perform your job with your disability. Be honest, direct, and solid answers so they have no reason why they can use your disability against hiring you. Educate yourself on the laws such as the American with Disabilities Act that talks about reasonable accommodations in employment. Always speak professional and polite.

Dress for the interview with success in mind. Appearances mean almost everything in a job interview so wear your best professional outfit. Make surethe outfit fits properly, looks good, feels comfortable and suitable colors. Make sure your hair and body are clean and look your absolute best. Remember the key is to give the potential employer no reason to not to hire you.

After an interview, follow up with a thank you card both in email and regular mail. Being grateful shows the employer how much you want the job. As you wait to hear about the job, keep applying and going on interviews. Going on interviews help you to find the perfect job for you, and hopefully the employer will say yes!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.