Simple times in life are the best. We often create chaos in our own life. Adding social media hours, extra work, tv shows we must watch. I think you catch my drift. We make our lives complicated when it’s unnecessary. So, how do we add in the simple and less complex? It all goes back to the roots. The root of all of us is Jesus Christ which equals love. We spend hours to go against our root of love by adding things we don’t need. Somewhere along the way, we let things get in the way that aren’t really…
Author: Jessica Grono
Friendship and love are probably the most things that are important to me. Everyone has a place in their heart that is a soft spot. Think about things that make you truly happy and place a smile on your face. When I think about mine, even if I’m having a bad day, I smile. Here are my five ways to my heart. This is a fun blog to write because we get to think about the things that makes us happy. I challenge you to give it a try. It can make you a bit happier, and if you’re happier,…
Blessings sit right in front of your face or hidden in the background. Sometimes when we pray, our prayers aren’t immediately answered. Unanswered prayers frustrate us and wonder why. However, someone told me that God hears each prayer and used in the best way of God’s timing. God’s timing might not be my timing, but it’s the best time. I find blessings anywhere. We all can if we look hard enough. I’m going to write about 4 blessings in my life right now. I hope to inspire those who feel a bit lost in hope to trigger some ideas for…
My name is Jessica, and the year 2020 has been quite an interesting year. Many joys happened this year, and many sorrows as well. The lives lost from natural disasters, sickness and the coronavirus are unimaginable. I’m sorry to anyone grieving this year. The year started out pretty good for me. I finally became a substitute teacher after trying to have a teacher position for years. My children were thriving in school, and my husband enjoyed his job. Then, March 13 halted everything with this unknown sickness called the coronavirus. Year of the coronavirus My attendant first told me about…
Prayers really do make you calm. I feel that I always had a pretty good relationship with God. Prayer has been apart of my life forever. My parents taught me to pray and prayer saved my life. My mom prayed for me like crazy when I was born, and I’m here today despite a loss of oxygen at birth. Anxiety is far less with praying daily. Happiness is yours when you’re with God. As I grew, I realized that the more I relied on prayer, I felt less anxiety. Now, I pray everyday multiple times. With the help of the…
As a Pro-Life woman, I feel passionate about this election. I’ve lost some friends on Facebook because of my views. I’m pro life meaning anti abortion in every form. I’m pro life not just because I’m Catholic, but if you believe in science, abortion kills human life. No question. Even now more than ever, we can see unborn human beings and the argument of being a clump of cells is invalid. People criticize me because I support pro-life laws and officials. I’ve been called many rude names by people that hardly know me. I used to argue back for hours…
Did you know that Netflix has a show available called Crip Camp? The Obama’s directed the show. I’m not a fan of the Obama politics, but other than that, I think they do some good things. The R rating almost turned me off. I am not a fan of cursing, violence, sexualizing etc. Like most people, I turned to Facebook to see what others thought. They were pretty positive about it so I watched it. When I grew up, I hardly saw anyone in a wheelchair on television or movies. I immediately perked up with excitement when I saw a…
Mother’s Day, this year, looked a bit different than other years. No Mass, going out to breakfast, picnics etc. I never grasped what being a mom really meant until I found out I was pregnant with Laura. It was a February morning and it was the best feeling in the world. Not to mention terrifying. I went right into protection mode and knew my existence was for her, my decisions, my health, my relationships etc all revolves around her. Then, Jason came and the same emotions happened. Being a mom, to me, means to live for others and make decisions…
Personal recommendations can help someone get through the coronavirus. I’m not a medical professional. But I am a woman with cerebral palsy who lived through the coronavirus. Although each person has a different reaction to the virus, I find it helpful to know what someone has lived through. It is also helpful to know what has helped them. Please always check with your doctor if you have any questions or problems. The coronavirus test is a bit scary. I’ve had many medical tests and procedures so I thought I would be prepared for anything. Although it wasn’t the worst thing…
Coronavirus stinks! So, now that it looks like the worst is over, hopefully, I can answer a few questions people have asked about the coronavirus. I’ve been too weak to respond, so my apologies. I’m feeling a bit more energetic, but I expect I’ll nap shortly after posting this. Before I had the coronavirus, I expected it to be something completely different. I expected bronchitis and fever with hopes not pneumonia. It wasn’t anything like that. The symptoms were bizarre to say the least. Saturday was full of headaches, hot sweats, weakness, tiredness, throwing up and no matter what I…