Confirmation into the Catholic Church is important to us. To be confirmed means to earn the gift of the Holy Spirit and a promise to God. I remember being confirmed and feeling my life had changed. I matured and had responsibility. But, trust me, that I made many mistakes along the way. I’m still learning, changing, and becoming a better Catholic daily. Basically a better follower of Jesus.
When promising to be Catholic through Confirmation, all your actions are watched by others. Anyone can say that they are Catholic or Christian. However, words are meaningless without action. Do you live a life of kindness, love, and obedience to Jesus? Are you willing to be a role model?
Being a role model means using your words and actions as one. People don’t guess if you follow Jesus because they know by your actions. Your children are watching, your friends are watching – everyone is watching you. Think, pray and then react to a situation. Confirmation calls us to be role models for others. You are a role model to everyone.
Forgiveness in Confirmation
If you make a mistake, be a role model too. No one is perfect. Twice I didn’t think my daughter was sick and she definitely was sick. Or, I lose my temper etc. We are human, but then need to apologize. Go to confession as confirmation tells us. Confirmed Catholics should go twice a year. If you are not Catholic, you are always welcome to go to confession.
Just remember that if you do something wrong to someone – Ask for forgiveness. First, ask forgiveness from God and then the person that you wronged. Correct the behavior and forgive yourself. God loves you and is in the physical form of the bread of the Eucharist. Â Ask forgiveness and receive again the true bread of life.