How To Fill An Easter Basket For All Ages

white flowers between brown rabbit figure and eggs
Photo by George Dolgikh on

Easter is the most important holiday in Christianity. Easter is important because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead on Easter. Christians believe that Jesus is our savior because of the resurrection. Easter is determined by the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the first day of spring. Therefore, it is always on a Sunday.

Lent ends when the Easter season begins and it is the second most extended season in the liturgical calendar. Ordinary time is the most extended season.

Many people attend church. While this is wonderful, attending church each Sunday is the opportunity to get the full benefits of the church.

Traditions and History

The Easter bunny, baskets, and dinner are popular Easter traditions. Decorating Easter eggs is also a fun tradition. Did you know that the Easter Bunny came from a German tradition? German immigrants told children to build nests in their bedrooms, and the bunny would come to fill them with eggs. The eggs often held candy.

Eggs can be hard boiled and paint them in a number of ways. You can also use squishy eggs which never go bad and fun to play.

Fill an Easter Basket

  • Candy – A chocolate bunny is a given in any basket at any age. We love this bunny, but there are many to choose. Chocolate candy such as this bag is great and not many will pass by. Skittles, starbursts and don’t forget the jelly beans!
  • Toys / items of interest – Toys and items of interest varies by personality and age. Fidget toys seem to be a hit at any age. Bubbles, stuffed bunnies, books, and outside toys are a popular hit.
  • Teenagers – Teenagers would like candy! Fidgets are always popular as well as gift cards. Socks, clothes, books and games are always a hit.
  • Adults – I’d still love a basket. Candy! Soft pillows, blankets, gift cards, jewelry, accessories to any electronic devices, and snacks are excellent options.

Enjoy the holiday and the season with the joy and focus on Jesus Christ!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.