Motherhood Amazes Me Daily

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Motherhood amazes me. The fact that a woman can create and assist in growing a remarkable human life blows my mind. As a young girl, I loved babies. They’re not only cute but fascinating in how they learn and grow so fast. Women have a powerful gift, and I’m lucky to be a woman.

Each Mother’s Day is different. One year, Jason wanted to give me his present because he didn’t understand the concept of a family present to me. My friend, who works as my attendant, took him to a place that sells produce and flowers so that he could pick out a gift just for me. He wanted to buy me everything since he didn’t have a concept of money. My friend had him narrow down a hanging flower basket and bananas because I happened to run out of bananas that morning. Jason gave me his gifts in excitement. I love motherhood.

This Mother’s Day began differently than in past years. Jeff took Jason on a camping trip on one of the wettest, coldest May weekends we have had in a while. The Boy Scouts planned this trip for a bit, and not easy to change. Even though they had a good time, the coldness didn’t help their sleep last night. They didn’t get home until the afternoon. Motherhood means flexibility.

Laura helped me in the morning to get ready for Mass. My dad picked us up, and we went together. Mass remains a big part of my life. It helps me to grow and be a better person. People think that church is for the perfect or you can praise God anywhere. But, in reality, going to a physical place together, praising God, and reading His Word does the soul good. No one there is perfect. We’re all finding our way. Holy Mary probably had the best motherhood of all.

After Mass, we went to our favorite breakfast spot for a Mother’s Day buffet. We usually go there every Sunday after Mass to catch up and talk. Shortly after we were home, Jeff and Jason came home. They were tired but gave me the sweetest gifts. Jason gave me a blanket; Jeff gave me a mug and key chain. Laura gave me chocolate and a candle that smelled like a strawberry shortcake.

A little after 5, Jason made dinner with Jeff’s supervision. He made steak, Caprese salad, and spinach. I am touched by all the thoughts they put into me each year. The natural gift is their existence. I love them so much and all of their unique talents. Motherhood gives blessings everyday and I’m one lucky Mom.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.