20 things you might know about me might be a fun blog. Now obviously some people know because of being friends and family. However, my readers could be surprised to know a few more things about me.
20 things about me
- I like many colors so it’s difficult to choose a favorite one. Pink and blue seem to be my absolute favorite. I have a pink wheelchair!
- My favorite animal to observe is the tiger. Tigers are majestic and mysterious. They are also unpredictable.
- My religion is Roman Catholic. I go to Mass every Sunday because it makes me happy and centers my life.
- I am pro life because of science and biological facts. Although I have tried to be pro choice because so many people I care about are pro choice, but I cannot deny an unborn baby deserves the right to life.
- I always wanted to be a mother and even knew what kind of mom I wanted to be. Gentle, educator, loving and teaching them great habits to endure for life.
- Cerebral palsy drives me crazy, but it’s life. I would love to be able to do things without asking. I’d love to be able to clean my house and taking myself to the bathroom would be amazing.
- I like music, but I don’t like it super loud or when I’m trying to write or concentrate. Singing is fun. I enjoy dancing.
- Working makes me happy. I love feeling accomplished and helping society. My husband thinks I work too much.
- Teaching has been a goal of mine since I was six. I’m finally working as one after graduating 22 years ago!
- I have been married twice and engaged once.
- My first husband suffered from mental illness and also a bit controlling/not nice to me. I have PTSD because of it.
- I don’t like loud chaos. When my kids run around and act crazy, I have to leave the room.
- Television and movies are my least favorite things to do. I have a few select shows I like to watch, but I could easily live without TV.
- I have dogs and cats. My preference is dogs, but my friend needed me to take her cat. Then my now husband had 2 so now we have 3.
- Friendships mean everything to me. I wish I could see my friends more or they ask to see me more.
- I hate the winter except for snow days when my kids are off. Summer is the best.
- My iPad is awesome. I can write, do my to do lists and blog. I also like playing the game, Homescapes.
- Negative people, cursing, sarcastic/mean jokes and people who put down others (weight, appearance etc) drive me crazy. I try to be positive and not complain
- My husband is the king of surprises. We are like any couple with ups and downs but I love all the little thing he does each day. No doubt he loves me.
- Laziness and naps drive me nuts too. Life is so short – why waste it on sleeping or just being lazy? (Unless you have a medical condition.)
I hope you enjoyed my 20 little things!