American With Disabilities Act Is Completely Necessary If You Have A Disability

ADAThe American with Disabilities Act had a birthday celebration during July. President George Bush Senior signed the brilliant act official on July 26, 1990. People with disabilities celebrated across the country because this American With Disabilities Act brings hope to people who have disabilities to have both freedom and equal opportunities.

The ADA has done wonderful things and have opened many doors that have been closed for too long. However, we still have some work to do. For the most part, folks with disabilities are still not accepted in many employment situations. Often an employer will focus negatively on the wheelchair or whatever the disability might be and choose not to hire them. Several people with disabilities hope to work but because of discrimination, often do not get hired.

People with disabilities wish to marry and have families. Too often combined income means that if the couple marries, the one with the disability could lose health benefits and personal care services.   All of this because they look at the income of the spouse and disqualifies them on services. If the spouse paid for health equipment, medical appointments, personal care plus the normal bills – the couple would be broke and could not survive.

Many public buildings are accessible, but there are still many that are not. Accessibility for all isn’t a privilege but a right for any citizen. People do not realize that one step is just as bad as hundreds of steps. If you can’t walk and need a wheelchair, you can’t go up steps.

People continue to park in handicap parking spots illegally. Doctors are very liberal in signing paperwork allowing people who don’t necessarily need the spot to get the placards. People with wheelchair vans need them for their ramps. People in manual wheelchairs need them to have room to get the wheelchair out and in the car. And, there are many other disabilities that need them.

Yes, the ADA is great and has helped tremendously but improvement is still very much needed.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.