Scary Changes To Attendant Care Program At Edinboro University

October 9, 2018 1

College brings forth all kinds of emotions. Excitement, fear, and anxiety are normal feelings for any person entering college. Students with disabilities are gaining access Read More

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The Possibility Of Breast Cancer Loomed Over Me After Mammogram

September 10, 2018 0

While sitting at my annual physical appointment, my doctor said, “Oh, and you are due for your annual mammogram!” I cringed because no woman, that Read More

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Advice For Parents With Children Who Have Disabilities

September 2, 2018 0

Being a parent to a child with a disability takes some extra resources and energy. From the moment a parent hears a diagnosis, the entire world Read More

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An Amazing Teacher Making Camping a Reality For a A Student With Cerebral Palsy

July 30, 2018 0

Imagine being an elementary school student, and your class planned an overnight camping trip. You feel excited! But, then you remember about your disability and Read More

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Be The Teacher You Can Be And Bring Out Children With Disabilities

October 16, 2017 0

Children with disabilities have every basic right to an education as any child. Back in 1980, when I was beginning public school, children who have Read More

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Friendships Can Be Difficult When You Have A Disability Like Cerebral Palsy

October 13, 2017 0

Friendships are essential to life because friends guide, support, and love us. Friends keeps us in line, smiling, laughing, and makes life worth while. Imagine Read More

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Jason’s First Day Of Pre Kindergarten

September 5, 2017 0

My son, Jason, had his first day of pre kindergarten today. Ironically , he slept in until past 8 o’clock which never happens. I can’t Read More

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March is Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month

August 29, 2017 0

March is a very important and exciting month for cerebral palsy. March is cerebral palsy awareness month, and during March, we can educate, volunteer, and Read More

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How Education Has Changed For People With Disabilities

August 27, 2017 0

Like I say every year, I cannot believe how fast summer has gone by. Summer goes way too fast, in my opinion, and I’m a Read More

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Teacher Tips For Teaching Students With Disabilities

August 27, 2017 0

  As the summer closes, our attention turns towards back to school. School bags, pencils, crayons and other school supplies are at the forefront of Read More

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