Thankfulness never goes out of style. Why are you thankful this year? Even if you have had the most unpleasant year of your life, I’m positive that you can find something to be thankful to have. I’m going to share my list for this year with all of you. Keep in mind as I list mine, they are in no particular order. When you make your gratitude list, you can order them or not. I feel thankfulness because this year I’m having my sister’s family and both of my parents over to our house. We haven’t had everyone in years.…
Author: Jessica Grono
Rosary has gotten me through so many difficult situations. I know that people who are not Catholic usually do not pray the Rosary. However, praying the Rosary is available to everyone. Mary is the mother of Jesus! We can go to her for everything and anything. Talking to Mary isn’t worshipping her like we only do for God. Praying for her intercession is fine. Asking Mary or a saint to pray for you is the same as asking a friend to pray for you or some situations. Saying the Rosary daily will help give you comfort and protection. Through technology,…
Worship and prayer are two wonderful blessings Jesus gave us. By attending church or Mass, we give praise to God. Prayer is a conversation with God at any time and any place. As Catholics or Christians we have many prayers and they are important too. Just don’t get caught up in worrying if you don’t remember each word of a prayer. Worship comes in several ways. Going to church is essential and an easy opportunity to worship. Singing words if praise and giving thanks are worship. Penance and confession of sins shows God you are serious about His Word. I…
Sins are something that is unavoidable. While I say unavoidable, I mean no human being is perfect, but we can strive to avoid sin. Let’s look at the Commandment of keeping Sunday Holy. How many of us do not go to church or Mass because of every excuse imaginable? Churches are everywhere and they would welcome you with open arms. No matter your age or lifestyle, you can keep Sunday Holy by simply spending one hour by going to church. Sins are avoidable with effort. No sins are private because God knows and sees everything. Some of us believe “oh,…
Forgiveness is such a wonderful thing to do and accept. Sometimes it is not easy to forgive someone, especially when someone hurts us deeply. Often we think the person does not deserve our forgive so we hold onto the pain. The truth is that holding onto the pain or grudge hurts you as much as it hurts them. Sometimes holding the pain will destroy the happiness and joy that is available to you. God forgives probably every millisecond of each day thousands of people. Think about that – God’s forgiveness is shared each second we breathe. Yet some of us…
Confirmation into the Catholic Church is important to us. To be confirmed means to earn the gift of the Holy Spirit and a promise to God. I remember being confirmed and feeling my life had changed. I matured and had responsibility. But, trust me, that I made many mistakes along the way. I’m still learning, changing, and becoming a better Catholic daily. Basically a better follower of Jesus. When promising to be Catholic through Confirmation, all your actions are watched by others. Anyone can say that they are Catholic or Christian. However, words are meaningless without action. Do you live…
Temptation of sin happens. As a mother, the temptation to sin is real whenever you feel anger. Not only in motherhood but any aspect of life, temptation is a real thing that we need to conquer. Having cerebral palsy can lead to sin by self pity or using cerebral palsy as an excuse for your sin. The worst thing you can do is give into it and give up. Fighting against temptation will not only make you stronger, but it’ll draw you closer to God, love others and time to conquer other sins. When temptation occurs, we need to move…
Material items are in our mind in November and December. Christmas often equates with presents. Giving presents is sweet and kind. However, these gifts can be kept small and humble. Sometimes we equate material items to status and we feel that giving gifts means we don’t need to be loving or kind. Owning the most expensive material items doesn’t mean you’re perfect. In fact, the most humble people are the happiest. Being humble means being happy with what you own. Material items are just items. We need to act in a loving, forgiving, kind manner. Let your words reflect God…
Time is one of the only things that we cannot control. I have had paralysis of my vocal cord since June and it feels like forever. However, when looking at my children, time seems in fast forward. What do we do with our time? How do you use it to the best of your ability or how do you waste time? Slow down. Life is too fast in the internet era where everything is at our fingertips. News, games, shopping, and eating are moments away. I remember spending hours at the mall – just wandering, dreaming of my future. Or,…
The weekend could not have been better despite laryngitis. Tonight the same sweetness – Laura and Jason volunteered to help our parish preist with Mass for the Holy Day of Obligation. They make a great team. Mass is always sweet. My health issues continue with laryngitis. Laryngitis has been since June 24! I’m feeling more convinced that it’s stemming from my hiatal hernia and GERD – I have no idea why they won’t give me an endoscopy even though I begged. Laryngitis is a sign of acid damaging vocal cords. Today I drank lemonade and immediately started uncontrollably coughing for…