Author: Jessica Grono

Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

Imagine watching TV without hearing adults bash each other. Presidential Election Day is tomorrow, and so many emotions come to mind. Worry, fear, anxiety, and hope are a few. Here are five happy reasons to celebrate the end of the election. No more TV ads As a parent, teacher, and decent human being, I don’t like seeing people tear each other apart. I teach children to respect others and stick to the facts. Most of the ads are obviously spliced to make the candidate look horrendous. I wish the ads state what they believe and what they will transform. Hopefully,…

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October has come and gone, but we can’t forget the beauty of October. Life has been rough personally, but life has also been uniquely beautiful. We must remember to look back at the memories and be thankful for what is right in front of us. We have four glorious seasons, and each one has beauty. Yet, fall has turning colors on just about every tree. Look around to spot the beauty. Special Education Teaching Job An unexpected opportunity arose and I was asked to take a long term special education position. Teaching is a passion that goes back to my…

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Are you a morning or night person? Usually, most people have a preference what time of day do they have the most energy. With cerebral palsy, I feel like I’m a mixture of the two. In the morning, I’m not sure if it’ll be a good or bad cerebral palsy day. That means my muscles could be stiff, involuntary, calm, or all three. However, I like mornings better because I’m more patient and proactive. At night, I might get a second wind and stay up too late, which leads me to be tired. Most of us have a morning routine.…

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I sit in silence as I type this blog. My daughter is off at band camp, and my son is on another trip with my dad. Jeff is at the gym. Silence often is what mothers think we want. However, after we have it, silence hurts the ears. Today, let me reintroduce you to having a son in middle school. Jason is 11. He seems to have matured well beyond his years in several ways. In further ways, he is right where he should be. For the last two nights, Jason has dragged a massive tub of Legos from his…

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I want to be independent and as pain-free as I can. Cerebral palsy has been a challenge in achieving both of these goals. Due to the location of the brain damage, my cerebral palsy is complicated. I have a mixture of having stiff muscles, having no control over my muscles, and being able to control my muscles. At every given second, my cerebral palsy can be one of these symptoms to all of them. The best part is I don’t know what to expect and am surprised when my muscles want to do as I want. Exercise is my best…

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The Summer Olympic Games are a multi-sport event that began in 1896 in Athens, Greece. Typically these games are held every for years in varying countries. I always have loved watching the Olympics. I like watching when people challenge themselves to be their absolute best. Watching the people represent their country is nothing but inspiring. Before I continue, I have to say congratulations to all of the athletes. No athlete deserved all of this controversy to distract from their sport. The athletes worked hard to achieve Olympic status.  Great job to you all. Olympic Opening Ceremonies Everyone has a choice…

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Change and goodbyes are my weaknesses. Laura is a senior in high school and a very busy one. She will shortly be applying to colleges, and the last celebrations will be had as the year continues. Her life as an adult will begin. I remember these times as clear as day and how exciting I felt. I didn’t realize how painful the senior year could be for my parents, especially my father, because I lived with him. Of course, I want Laura to grasp everything she can in life. For almost 18 years, I held, helped, guided, and taught her.…

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Do you remember when you first had ice cream? National Ice Cream Day is appropriately placed in July. I think ice cream is popular because of its variety of flavors, taste, and coldness. When I was little, I did not like ice cream. I think it sounds crazy looking back at it, but I wouldn’t try it for a long time. Anything milk turned me off, and vanilla ice cream seemed common in my house at the time. Since it was white, it reminded me of milk so I immediately distanced myself. My Ice Cream Story My grandfather finally encouraged…

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Friendly Shoes are made to help people dress independently. As the website suggests, these are shoes for all abilities to live life as independently as possible. I am excited that stylish options are available for people who have disabilities. Friendly Shoes are easier for people who have disabilities to get them on off for the person or someone helping them. I learned about the shoe from Facebook so I decided to give them a try. I normally buy shoes that are not cerebral palsy friendly. I know that sounds ridiculous especially coming from someone who uses a wheelchair everyday. I…

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God has a mission for everyone. I mean everyone and none of us are exempt. If you want to come up with a million excuses or justifications, realize that is you – Not God.. Our job is to find out the job He has given us. Whenever I think of a mission of God, I always think big and difficult. Many of us might have those missions, but there are many of small missions to do. Early in my life, I knew Jesus wanted me to be a teacher, mother, and speaker. I’m also a writer. But, listening to God…

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