Author: Jessica Grono

Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

When Jason graduated pre k in June, we all knew that Kindergarten school  journey began.  Laura decided to leave Renaissance Academy, we knew Phoenixville Middle School was inevitable.  Both of the schools are in walking distance from our house. Their first day of their new schools happened to fall on my 43rd birthday. Even though I felt excited for them, I felt sad for me. Change is not my strength.  I hate saying goodbye, and I hate when contentment ends. Logically, I know life is full of change and new experiences. My heart sings a different tune and feels…

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Being a parent to a child with a disability takes some extra resources and energy. From the moment a parent hears a diagnosis, the entire world changes. Sometimes hearing the diagnosis causes difficult emotions. Parents seek advice from others to help in the journey. I didn’t experience being a parent to a child with cerebral palsy. Parents shared with me their suggestions and advice. I learned from my own parents. Read my list of suggestions that I hope will help you on this new (or old) way of life. Suggestions For Parents Let your child be defined by their personality. Sometimes parents are…

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Summer is a terrific time of year especially when you’re a child.  No school, no homework and sometimes going on a family vacation. Our family vacationed for a week at Rehoboth Beach in Delaware.  My parents rented a trailer, and we were about a half hour drive to the beach. As I aged, going to the shore became less fun. I hope one day it will be enjoyable again! I give both my parents credit for raising me as they did my brother and sister. They wanted me to experience everything I could, and that included going to the beach.…

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Imagine being an elementary school student, and your class planned an overnight camping trip. You feel excited! But, then you remember about your disability and realize that camping would be impossible.  Luckily,   you have a teacher that will make it possible just for you. Teachers remain on the frontlines to make inclusion possible.  Accepting no isn’t in their vocabulary to help the students.  Teachers research everything they possibly can to figure out a way to include everyone.  Maggie Vazquez is a ten year old girl with cerebral palsy whose class planned an overnight camping trip. She also has an amazing teacher that…

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I feel scared when I think about the plastic straw ban. In a society that insists on equal rights for everyone, where are the equal rights for people with disabilities? Seattle, California and now parts of New York are banning plastic straws. It’s not enough just to ban plastic straws, but now California will actually throw someone in jail for breaking the ban! I find it ironic that the Americans With Disabilities Act celebrated a birthday this month. The same month that our basic right to hydrate seems  jeopardized. Several people who I know who have disabilities need to use a…

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Coping as a mother with a disability brings an unique dimension to motherhood. Let’s face the facts – being a good, responsible, loving mother takes energy and time. Mothers rarely have a practice session or any training in knowing how raise your child. Parents learn as they go and use  mistakes as wisdom. Add in a disability, and they have enough experience to have even more wisdom. Every disability is different especially when it comes to what we can and cannot do for our children. People with disabilities have built coping mechanisms to help conquer challenges. As anyone with a disability has…

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My son graduated from Pre Kindergarten in 2018. I have seen several graduation celebrations. Graduation is a bitter sweet moment. On one hand, you feel ecstatic because you accomplished the ending of something monumental.  And, on the other hand, you are closing the door to a chapter. After graduation comes anxiety and fear. I remember my pre-school graduation. The fine details are sketchy, but I remember wearing white and trying to keep on a graduation hat. We were given a scroll with a diploma.  I went to a pre-school that dedicated itself to only children with disabilities.  Several children had mental…

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How many times a day do you have something to drink? A straw might not be needed for you, For most people, drinking is as easy as picking up a glass and taking a sip. For many of us with physical disabilities, drinking requires a straw. Too often people who have disabilities refuse a drink because of the difficulty. Across social media and various regions such as Seattle, the government wants to eliminate plastic straws in order to protect the environment. In theory, eliminating plastic straws for the environment is a plus, but for humans it’s a definite negative. The Last…

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Pre Kindergarten is now over because Jason has graduated Pre K and off to Kindergarten! It seems like yesterday that I took a nervous little four-year old into camp at his new school which then turned into pre Kindergarten. But, it was actually one year ago! Now I have a confident five year old who is ready for a new chapter of Kindergarten. Pre school days I sent Jason to our local YMCA preschool at age three.  I sent my daughter years before and loved it. She learned many things and made friends. But when Jason went, it wasn’t what I remember.…

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Dating and relationships are something that many people want in life.  But with a disability such as cerebral palsy, dating can seem an astronomical task.  I have cerebral palsy which can lead to some challenges socially and romantically.  However, at a young age, I  set a goal to have a happy marriage, and I don’t give up on my goals.  Last night I remembered how difficult it is being single and have cerebral palsy.  My husband and I went to dinner and dancing.  With two children and jobs, finding time to have a date night isn’t easy. Prior to have…

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