Thoughtful Jason Turns Eight and It’s Great

Thoughtful Jason

Thoughtful Jason turned eight years old today. Eight years? How does time go so fast? Why? Up until I became a mother, time was just time. It was there. Some days went horribly slow and some fast. But as soon as your baby starts sleeping through the night, time goes so fast. Memories feel like yesterday. I feel like parenthood is like picking up sand and watching it fall through your hands. That’s how quick it goes.

Jason is a typical boy. He’s funny, smart, joking always. He likes the social aspect of school, but unlike his sister, not the academic portion. Although his reading level is off the charts for a second grader, he hates math. He would like to build LEGO things and Minecraft villages all day so maybe he will be a creative architect.

He looks like me. It’s nice after nine months of pregnancy to have a child look like you. Jason definitely does. Thoughtful is a great word to describe him because he comes up with quick responses. He also has my sense of humor and soft heart for sad movies, animals, missing loved ones, and helping those less fortunate. As a mom, his sense of humor makes it difficult to be strict when I have to. He knows if I get real with him, he better listen because it’s hard for me to do without bursting into laughter. Sometimes all we have to do is look at each other, and we crack up with an inside joke.

Jason hates cerebral palsy. It might sound mean to say, but it isn’t. Cerebral palsy always confused him. He wants me to be able to do everything I can. Jason was in the dining room when I had a zoom meeting and was hired to teach high school. His face lit up when we both heard I was hired. He feels like cerebral palsy is just an annoyance blocking me from freedom. Recently, I said aloud, “I wish I could just stand up and clean!” Jason came back with a quick response, “When God makes the world anew, you can.” Wow – how fast, thoughtful and smart.

Maybe it’s because he’s my youngest, but I can’t say I can’t wait to see what he does when he grows up. I like him little, wanting me and making everyday an adventure. Laura is serious and always was. She needed me, but in a different way. I swear she was independent the day we bought her home. But Jason still begs to sleep in my room sometimes and just likes to be silly.

So here is to eight wonderful years! Holding on to childhood as long as possible.

Jason’s favorite gifts were

Jurassic World T Rex – Very well built. He wanted this very badly and loves it. Makes a great roar and realistic.

Jurassic World velociraptor- It’s a great size and he loves it. It can eat other dinosaurs (comes out a trap door in his stomach)

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.