As a Pro-Life woman, I feel passionate about this election. I’ve lost some friends on Facebook because of my views. I’m pro life meaning anti abortion in every form. I’m pro life not just because I’m Catholic, but if you believe in science, abortion kills human life. No question. Even now more than ever, we can see unborn human beings and the argument of being a clump of cells is invalid.
People criticize me because I support pro-life laws and officials. I’ve been called many rude names by people that hardly know me. I used to argue back for hours on end, but I finally learned something. People who want to know the facts seek them. Those who call names, stereotype, assume and cut people off because of different opinions aren’t interested in learning ideas or facts. They seek to be righteous and rudeness.
President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments. He didn’t put children in cages. He also didn’t force women into hysterectomies.
Being pro-life to me is –
- I believe abortion is wrong and Roe v Wade was the worst law imaginable. Pro-Life means you support human life and not abortion.
- Human life scientifically starts at conception. We are all the same as we were when we were conceived, but grew to be adults. We aren’t any more or less important than a human being who just came into existence. If we were aborted, we wouldn’t be here. It’s a sad reality how many people are missing because of abortion-and their children. Each of us are uniquely created until we die. No one is replaceable.
- An unborn human is a separate identity than the mother’s body.. The “my body, my choice” mantra is factually inaccurate. Science proves that the woman and unborn human are two different people.
- Just because I respect the life of an unborn human being doesn’t take away any caring of others. I’m pro-life for all. I care about the unborn as much as I care about the born. We are all human beings. I act on my caring by being kind, respectful, donating goods, volunteer and prayer for all.
- I don’t like everything about President Trump. But, I do like several things he has accomplished especially for anti abortion. I don’t like him making fun of others, his rallies, his feeding his ego and his saying silly things without thinking. It’s possible to not like everything about someone but still like their policies.
Pro-Life policies
- I do vote for him because of his policies after being President. His past is shady. We all have skeletons in our closet. I respect that he has owned up to many of his and apologized. As President, he has done wonderful things and stand up for things that I find are important. He is against war, he’s stopped ISIS, tax breaks, excellent unemployment rate, excellent economic rate, homeland security is great, dealing with coronavirus I don’t know how he could do better.
- I think most of us are single issue voters, but when you’re pro life, people attack you more for being a single issue voter. Everyone has an issue that is very important to them and votes accordingly. For me, I vote for the most anti abortion person possible. Your issue isn’t more or less important than mine. They are just different.
- Being Catholic, a human being is a human being no matter the age. God creates us in His image and knows us by name in the womb. To be pro choice and Catholic is a hypocrisy. Jesus wouldn’t want us to kill His own creation. We are here for a reason, and should be allowed to live that reason out until God calls us home.
- President Trump does act pro life. He has the best anti abortion policies, giving people employment equals better life, giving a better economy means better life, he has support disabilities, veterans, women, education and more. I do believe he’s trying on healthcare. In 2016, everyone feared that we were going to die because of Trump. I don’t know anyone who lost benefits because of him. Free Medicare for all is just not smart economically. Do you want the government to decide your health or do you want a choice? Competition in healthcare is important.
- Having a disability makes me see how many people with disabilities are dead because of abortion. When I grew up, I knew many children with spina bifida and other disabilities that are detected now in the womb. Nowadays, it’s very rare to see a child with a physical disability that can be detected by birth. I take this very personal. A disability isn’t a reason to kill anyone. We have great, fulfillment in life. Even if our life isn’t perfect, it’s ours to do what we can. We all have purpose.
I may never stop replying on Facebook about politics and abortion. However, I’m going to pray more for grace in my response, not tolerate disrespect and try to always be kind.