Did you know that Netflix has a show available called Crip Camp? The Obama’s directed the show. I’m not a fan of the Obama politics, but other than that, I think they do some good things. The R rating almost turned me off. I am not a fan of cursing, violence, sexualizing etc. Like most people, I turned to Facebook to see what others thought. They were pretty positive about it so I watched it.
When I grew up, I hardly saw anyone in a wheelchair on television or movies. I immediately perked up with excitement when I saw a show that focused on disabilities, I went to a camp in the late eighties – early nineties that was only for disabilities also. Nowadays, people might think that inclusion should have been more common. However, there are so many amazing reasons why a disability inclusive camp is important.
Having a disability presents a daily struggle to just be yourself. The more severe a disability, the more difficult to be yourself. People judge all of the time. You go in a room, and they all stare. Everyone treats you differently. It’s inevitable, honestly.
At camp, everyone had a problem. Everyone knew you had a problem, but didn’t care. I could just focus on being me and enjoying myself. Of course, when I went, I was a pre teen and then teenager so I didn’t appreciate everything camp offered. But, now I know, it was absolutely wonderful.
Everyday we had a full list of activities-some I liked more than others. We did every sport even archery. Each day we swam for an hour, and each night had fun activities. I seriously don’t know how they planned and implemented everything so seamlessly.
I had my boyfriends, first kisses, dances, and broken hearts. Laughing was just a natural occurrence. Many of my friends I met at camp, I have today. Unfortunately, many have passed away, but never forgotten.
Crip Camp showed a bit of what camp was like, but it also focused on the disability movement. I’m so thankful being born in the mid seventies. Before that, children with disabilities didn’t have a right to education. Many were put in horrific institutions. Disability awareness was silent. Disabilities were seen as bad instead of just life.
I recommend watching Crip Camp even if you don’t know anyone with a disability – but if you do, definitely watch it. My daughter will be fourteen soon and mature. She watched it with me, and hugged me so tight afterwards when she saw what it was like for me growing up in a world non accepting of disabilities. Yes, they curse, some talk of drugs and sex but no nudity.