Having breast cancer can lead to thousands of insecurities and emotional distress. When I learned that I had breast cancer, I felt like the clouds opened up and a brick house fell on top of me. These insecurities leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed and alone, but you are never alone. Breast cancer leaves behind a secret sisterhood of those who came before you or going through the cancer experience along with you. I want to share with you some of my insecurities as I went through breast cancer and am still adjusting to my new body.
From the moment that you hear breast cancer, your mind goes to the most worst possible conclusion. But you know what? It is completely natural to believe the worst because cancer is a totally scary disease. The possibility of death made me feel very insecure. I felt that I didn’t accomplish everything that I wanted first of all. How dare cancer take my future accomplishments away from me? Death couldn’t be an option for me. Having children added another worry, and I had more to teach. . I knew my daughter would have memories of me, but my son was only two so what memories would he have? Leaving my family wasn’t an option.
I learned when you have insecurities of death, you can combat them with actions. Each second with my children, family and close friends mean so much more. I wrote letters to my children for the worst case scenario. I held everyone a little longer and unimportant things slipped away. Putting myself in action gave me peace to the future. I couldn’t control my fate but I could and still can control what I do with my time.
I also felt insecure about raising my children how I wanted. Teaching positivity and strength were important to me. Â I wanted to teach them a positive lesson that when you are faced with a difficult situation that you face it with grace, hope and positivity. By making a decision to be positive, my children learned they can face challenges.
Try to follow your heart and parenting goals when you have insecurities about if you are raising children while going through breast cancer. I learned that children need your love and honesty to thrive. Even when I had a bad day or recovering from my double mastectomy, I could always give them love, no matter what. I had the right words to tell my daughter whenever we talked about breast cancer because I trusted my gut instinct. Of course they experienced some worries and fear because we are a family. However, parenting the way I intended wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Family and friends were also a huge support.
I still have insecurities about my mastectomy scars and how I look. I am not so sure how long that will take but it might take years to get there. I’m going to take it day by day and be in action to keep myself from giving into my insecurities. I’ll get there one day. I’m sure that you will overcome your insecurities too by going step by step.
Fight Like A Girl Breast Cancer Bag – Great gift idea