Summer Tips For People With Cerebral Palsy

Summer will finally be returning after many of us had a long bitter cold winter. Each season has a different impact on cerebral palsy. Muscles react to cold and warm weather differently, and sometimes it’s difficult to know how to adjust or ease some of the muscle tension and spastic movements.  Since summer temperatures can last for a few months, it is best to learn how to adapt before muscles take over.

On a day that seems pleasantly warm and humid, my body paints a different story. Humidity is my cerebral palsy nightmare.  My involuntary movements react by jerking my arms, legs and hips all over the place.  The worst is when using a bathroom without air conditioning. Pulling up on the grip bar is a challenge because my hands slip and trying to sit still is also hard to do. I find that if I put a fan facing me in the bathroom if I don’t want to turn on the central air conditioning yet, helps breakdown my spasms.

I learned that air conditioning is my number one friend on extremely hot and humid days. Even if it isn’t that hot, but it’s humid, I need the air conditioning.  I do remember clearly the days when air conditioning wasn’t so common. Those days were rough for me even though I was younger and could supposedly handle the heat better. My muscles would be out of whack and didn’t know how to behave. It took me until my teen years to figure out that my cerebral palsy turned worse during the summer due to humid weather.

If I cannot be in air conditioning then I need to drink a lot of extra  ice cold water. Drinking ice cold water almost instantly cools the body down. Attached to my motorized wheelchair is a water bottle with a long flexible straw. I can use the straw as often as I want to drink when I’m in my wheelchair. It gives me independence to drink as well as many health benefits to drinking more especially in the heat. 

Other tips that I’ve learned to stay cool is to do everything and anything you can to stay cool. Wear loose clothing. I like to wear summer dresses that are cotton and light. I try to avoid black since most of my wheelchair is black and black absorbs heat. Being around a fan or some kind of moving air helps. Carrying a spray bottle that someone can spritz down with is a huge benefit. And, of course, eating something cold and  tasty like ice cream or water ice is a huge cool down.

Swimming is also great for someone who has cerebral palsy. There are several swim apparatuses that are even for adults who can’t swim. Swimming will not only cool you off but will exercise your muscles in ways that other exercises can’t.  Swimming will also tire muscles out so spasticity is a lot less. 

Whatever you feel comfortable doing, try to stay cool this summer. Muscles will be happier, and so will you.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.