Amazing Things I Absolutely Love About My Children

January 8, 2020 2

I think it has been too long since I wrote a blog about my amazing kids. I can say amazing because all kids are truly Read More

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When Your Daughter Turns Twelve, Your Heart Glows

October 3, 2018 1

When your daughter turns 12, something happens to a mother’s heart.  I remember the day she entered into the world- so tiny but yet powerful. Read More

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Advice For Parents With Children Who Have Disabilities

September 2, 2018 0

Being a parent to a child with a disability takes some extra resources and energy. From the moment a parent hears a diagnosis, the entire world Read More

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Coping As A Mom With Cerebral Palsy

July 26, 2018 0

Coping as a mother with a disability brings an unique dimension to motherhood. Let’s face the facts – being a good, responsible, loving mother takes Read More

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Jason’s Alphabet Parade As The Fantastic Letter A

October 30, 2017 0

 Walking into the parade  Beginning of the parade   Today Jason’s pre school had an Alphabet Parade. The children were each assigned a letter from Read More

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Friendships Can Be Difficult When You Have A Disability Like Cerebral Palsy

October 13, 2017 0

Friendships are essential to life because friends guide, support, and love us. Friends keeps us in line, smiling, laughing, and makes life worth while. Imagine Read More

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Mommy Walks On Wheels Because She Has Cerebral Palsy

April 22, 2017 0

I have been giving talks about disabilities for as long as I can remember. But as a parent,  nothing has been more difficult than looking Read More

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