Best friends are amazing

April 25, 2023 0

Best friends are amazing. When I think of the term “best friends,” I think of elementary school days when girls especially would argue over who Read More

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Apple Watch with cerebral palsy is a perfect fit

April 23, 2023 0

I felt reluctant buying an Apple Watch with cerebral palsy. I thought I’d destroy it by having a spasm or just couldn’t use it. My Read More

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Accessibility of Walt Disney World Parks in 15 Minutes

February 26, 2023 0

If you’re like me, you search every accessibility of Walt Disney Parks available for planning a trip to Disney World while having a disability. I Read More

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Handling a Christmas Budget

November 16, 2022 0

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ. A magical and spiritual time of year is also stressful financially. Budgeting begins in January, and we Read More

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Acceptance of Cerebral Palsy Frees You

March 20, 2022 1

Acceptance of yourself with cerebral palsy is right here. Firstly, cerebral palsy never disappears because there isn’t a cure.  As a child, I thought when Read More

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Awesome Motherhood Tips and When Days are Difficult

June 12, 2021 0

Perfect moments exist during motherhood make me feel awesome. They are fleeting moments that I’d like to hold on to forever, but they never last. Read More

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Using My FitBit Inspire Even Without Walking

July 28, 2019 0

You don’t have to walk to be healthy Recently, I heard that people who exercise feel happier than those who are wealthy. I could hardly Read More

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Employment With A Disability Has Challenges

January 31, 2019 0

Employment in the disability world is a hot topic these days.  Currently, the unemployment rate is low because there are more jobs available. But for Read More

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Speak Up To Stop Bullying With A Disability

November 8, 2018 0

What is a bully? Can you ever imagine that you’re child could be a bully? Did you ever bully anyone? People with disabilities have a Read More

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Scary Changes To Attendant Care Program At Edinboro University

October 9, 2018 1

College brings forth all kinds of emotions. Excitement, fear, and anxiety are normal feelings for any person entering college. Students with disabilities are gaining access Read More

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