Author: Jessica Grono

Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

Home renovations are only one of my favorite activities. Before Jason was born, we did a major renovation but had some issues with our contractor. In the end, we gained more space, but it was a headache to accomplish that. Our bathroom recently has had some issues that required attention. We found the mold. But not only that, I needed more space. During our first renovation, I wanted a lower sink to use it. Remember that I am on the floor at home because I’m much more independent. The sink seemed like a great idea, but it limited space in…

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Being a mom with a disability limits capabilities, but you can have fun with your kids by playing pretend. Sometimes, I daydream that I can walk and do all the fun things. Of course, daydreaming will never change, but you can have fun with your kids without standing or using your hands. I have the best memories of playing pretend games with my children. Imagination is a gift. No one needs to stand, move, lift, or use limbs. You can go anywhere just by using your mind. Laura used to set up her dolls and stuffed animals. We would pretend…

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Today we went to Mass and a retirement celebration. We only miss a Sunday if someone is sick or there are some circumstances that we can’t make it. I enjoy going to Mass because it’s a spiritual reboot. No matter how exciting or tedious a homily is, the main focus is the Eucharist and Jesus. Nothing else matters, and you can’t find the Eucharist unless you’re at Mass. Laura and Jason altared served. An altar server helps the priest with Mass by holding the Bible, carrying the cross, helping with the gifts of the Eucharist, and processing with candles. Being…

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A productive Sunday helps you to get the week off to a great start. While I agree that Sunday is a day of rest, as the Bible instructs, I know that there are low-key jobs that you can do to get your week to go smoothly. Church or Mass is a priority for me, and I recommend it. Why? Getting your soul and mental health in the right mindset is a priority to make a productive Sunday. Plenty of churches exist for you to visit and feel how you fit in. I’m Catholic, so I feel at home no matter…

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Best friends are amazing. When I think of the term “best friends,” I think of elementary school days when girls especially would argue over who was best friends with who. As you age, you realize best friends are much more than that. My best friends stick by me no matter what happens. I met Megan at Edinboro University. We both went to Edinboro for numerous reasons, but the main benefit was the disability assistance programs that they offered. For instance, the 24/7 personal care was great! As we moved in, I passed her room a dozen times and decided to…

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I felt reluctant buying an Apple Watch with cerebral palsy. I thought I’d destroy it by having a spasm or just couldn’t use it. My mistake. When FitBit decided to stop doing challenges, I decided to give the Apple Watch Series 8 a try. Apple Watch with cerebral palsy pros Apple Watch with cerebral palsy cons I’d recommend buying the Apple Watch with cerebral palsy. There are a million things to customize and it is a great investment to make your life easier and safer.

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April is a weird month for me. It was great until 2007 – my sister’s birthday and spring is in April. Of course, it’ll always be great because of her birthday. But it’s bitter and painful. Thursday will mark 16 years since Israel (Laura’s dad / my husband) died. Grief still is present. Then, on April 8, it will be seven years since my double mastectomy due to cancer—both life-altering painful memories. Death doesn’t get easier. Sixteen years and feels like yesterday- the good and evil. Just keep us in your prayers a little this week. Grief tips help me survive.…

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Easter is the most important holiday in Christianity. Easter is important because Jesus Christ was raised from the dead on Easter. Christians believe that Jesus is our savior because of the resurrection. Easter is determined by the first Sunday after the full Moon that occurs on or after the first day of spring. Therefore, it is always on a Sunday. Lent ends when the Easter season begins and it is the second most extended season in the liturgical calendar. Ordinary time is the most extended season. Many people attend church. While this is wonderful, attending church each Sunday is the…

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Audition for a play – who me? – no way! However, I did! My children have both been in plays. Multiple plays with varying roles. I have never been in a play performance and always wondered what it would feel like. Auditioning with cerebral palsy terrified me, but I didn’t allow fear to get in my way of living. Well, most of the time, anyway. Auditioning with cerebral palsy terrified me because my body tends to take over when I feel nervous. Of course, a lack of confidence is a big reason, but when I focus on one aspect of…

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