Temptation of sin happens. As a mother, the temptation to sin is real whenever you feel anger. Not only in motherhood but any aspect of life, temptation is a real thing that we need to conquer. Having cerebral palsy can lead to sin by self pity or using cerebral palsy as an excuse for your sin. The worst thing you can do is give into it and give up. Fighting against temptation will not only make you stronger, but it’ll draw you closer to God, love others and time to conquer other sins.
When temptation occurs, we need to move away from it and allow ourselves to do something else. In most cases, every temptation to sin can be avoided. If your phone is causing you to sin, put it somewhere else. Is the anger bothering you, go take a walk before speaking. There is no need to give in to sin when you can do or try anything else to avoid the sin.
Try to pray, volunteer, be charitable, and fast instead. Just don’t give in to what Satan wants you to do. If you give into the sin, believe me that you truly won’t be happy. Satan promises happiness and gives you hate. Instead, do what God requests. I promise you, that even if it seems difficult at the time, following God’s will leads to happiness.
The Good News is that if sin does occur, go to Confession as soon as possible. Confession releases you of your sins and you can move forward by trying not to sin again. We can always try.
As parents, we baptized babies to give them grace and clean away their original sins. Baptize your babies to give them the gift of cleanliness of original sin and the sign of being a child of God. Anyone who truly doesn’t know of God but seeks the truth, and does the will of God, will go to Heaven. However, baptism is a significant way to draw close to Jesus.