Gratitude changes your life. Spend time dedicated to giving thanks. Journaling is an excellent way to think about why you’re thankful. Sometimes it’s challenging to find gratitude when life is hard. No matter what we do, life will be challenging at times. How we respond to the situation can make all the difference.
I keep a gratitude journal. Some days I need to remember to write. When I remember to write in my gratitude journal, my mood is light. I’m happier because I know I have many things, people, and situations to be thankful. My challenge for you is to start to begin journaling this month. Watch how it changes you. When you’re having a bad day, read back your gratitude journey.
My gratitude journal is an app. Open your App Store and type in a gratitude journal. Many are free, so you can choose whatever you like. Start a gratitude journal today and see how your life changes.
Gratitude journal prompts
- List 5 things that make you happy.
- Who are the people in your life that you love?
- What is your favorite smell? Associate a memory.
- Remember a time you loved to walk in the sunshine?
- Favorite song and why?
- List 10 situations that made you happy.
- Who helped you when you needed it? How?
- Favorite holiday and why?
- What kind of person do you want to be?
- Top 5 people in your life and why.
- Write a thankful letter to someone who helped you.
- Who did you help today?
- How did God help you today?
- When was a time you wanted to stop time? Why?
- Where do you want to be in 15 years?
- Favorite cookie?
- Write God a letter of thanks.
- Favorite conversation with someone.
- Write a thank you letter to your younger self.
- Write 20 reasons why you’re thankful.