Nine Years of Blessed Parenting

red and white balloons on white wall
Photo by Natalie on

Nine years flew by faster than anything I can remember.  Jason was born early in 2013.  I have learned, adjusted, challenged and loved as a mom. So much love for children parents have. It’s difficult to imagine not having my children. If you haven’t changed by having a child, I’m not sure what will. When I learned that I was having a son, I felt nervous.  I’m very girly, and I already had Laura so I knew about girls. I do have a nephew who I adore so I knew I’d figure it out!  Being a mom to a boy turned out to be one of  the best thing of my life.

My parenting strategies have changed through the years.  I have regrets and times that I wish I could certain years again.  Mistakes were made and wish I could go back to try again. However, all we have is the present and striving to do better.

I’m taking an online self paced course on positive parenting. Jeff is taking it as well. So many great advice is included. It makes me want more than ever to go back and do it all over again. One of the biggest piece of information I like is treating your child as a person.  Giving clear expectations as well as teaching children how to be independent helps.  Jason is so responsible- more than I ever gave him credit.  Children are capable with the proper tools and guidance.

Jason turned nine old yesterday.  9 years slide by fast.  Jason is growing up to be a resilient, smart, comedian, loyal and sweet boy.  He is also becoming quite the artist.  Godzilla and dinosaurs are his favorite right now.  Jason draws them all of the time and learns how to draw by YouTube. He likes his art teacher.  

We celebrated his birthday party by having a family party on Saturday.  Last year, we couldn’t have a family party due to the coronavirus but we did have a birthday drive by.  It was great getting the family altogether to celebrate.  Everyone came, we played games, ate, talked, ate cake that Laura made, and opened presents.  Fun had by all.

Yesterday after Mass, we had his birthday with his friends at our local bowling alley for our nine year old.  The party was a terrific success.  All the kids had fun! Jason said it was the best birthday party ever! I’m so happy we had the bowling party for him.

I’m excited to see him grow even though it’s sad to see the little boy grow up.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.