Inspiration helps me with cerebral palsy

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Inspiration comes from several people. I have difficulty just finding one person who inspires me the most. People inspire me every day, and they all have similar qualities. I feel inspired by those who face challenges and overcome, suffer mentally or physically but carry on, generous people, faithful people, and the kindest people. I’m also inspired by those who are confident in themselves no matter the situation.

My inspiration comes from a teacher who is well-organized, focused, and caring. She inspires me to be a better teacher and be even more organized. I also admire her confidence in not caring what others think but will teach her style. She inspires me in my career.

I feel inspiration from a friend who took lemons and created lemonade. When the pandemic hit, her job also left her without a paycheck. She decided to live her dream by being her boss to do a business. Her determination inspires me to keep going forward and never give up when life kicks you down.

Friends who suffer incredible loss in their lives but they still found a way to keep going. A smile and determination rule their day to make someone else happy. They never give in to their grief to the point of making excuses to stop living. They inspire me to handle my grief with grace.

I find inspiration in a woman who has cerebral palsy much like mine. She became not only a teacher but a college professor, married, and adopted a daughter. Then, despite her powerful speech impediment, she won Ms. Wheelchair America. She pushed me to keep trying to find a job as a teacher. I always thought if she can succeed, I have zero excuses.

Inspiration in all forms

There are so many others who inspire me. My daughter, who suffered the loss of her biological father as a baby, has perfect grades and forces herself out of her comfort zone to try new things. My son makes people laugh and smile just by being himself. He has wisdom and a unique perspective on life. My husband has overcome enormous challenges daily to create a better life—my parents, siblings, and family members are incredible.

Beyond people who are now on Earth, Mary and Jesus are fantastic inspirations. The love, generosity, kindness, grief, and unselfishness of life are characteristics I strive for daily. Jesus and Mary are my best friends. They guide me to be better, do better and love better.

Look around you. Inspiring people are everywhere and push you to be better. We all exist to help each other in this journey called life.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.