Ten Things You Should Say To Your Kids Daily

focused black girl holding book near face in studio
Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels.com

Ten things you should say everyday? Yes, definitely. Sometimes you can say these things multiple times a day. Everyone likes to hear nice and positive things, but to a child, it’s even more important. What parents say to children become their inner voice. As a parent or teacher, we have the ability to make a big impact in a child’s life. Please don’t waste it on yelling or negativity.

Ten Things You Should Say Each Day

  • I love you – Please say this as much as you possibly can. Say it when they wake up, before school, after school and before bed. Plus tell them a thousand times in between. I recommend this book for you to read .
  • You are amazing – One becomes what they hear. If a child (or anyone) hears that they’re amazing, self confidence increases a ten times. You can say it for any reason, any time, and really mean it. Forget the sarcasm and just compliment.
  • Of all the kids, I have the best – Can you imagine if someone tells you this everyday? You become so happy and happiness spreads. The happier kids are, the better adults they will be.
  • You are unique – We are so special. Not one of us are the same. Reminding kids that their is no one like them, will help make them be the best that they possibly can be because there is no one like them.

Awesome things to say continued

  • I missed you -No matter if you leave for the store or work, make sure you tell the kids that you missed them. If they go to school, make sure they know that you missed them. Each day that I come home from work, I tell the kids how much I missed them. They probably hear it ten times.
  • How can I help you? – We give kids chores, but do we ever offer to help them? Yet we always ask them to help us. Please remember to ask them if them them how you can help them. This will assist them in being a helpful adult.
  • It’s ok to have big emotions – Adults often expect children not to have emotions. Don’t cry. Don’t be silly. Children are allowed to have big emotions-happy, sad, anger, funny. Our job is to help guide them through the emotions without telling them that they can’t feel them.
  • Do your best – When someone does their best, they have little regret. Mistakes will always be made. Try to do your best in everything and learn from mistakes.
  • God loves you and looking out for you – The gift of the knowledge that God designed each one of us with a plan in mind, is a great gift. Kids need to know God and He loves us all. He wants us to be happy,moral,decent people. Praying with your kids is amazing.
  • I believe in you – Kids need to know that someone believes in them. We want them to be happy and successful. Believing that they can be awesome is more than half the battle of being awesome. Make sure they know you always believe in them. I recommend reading your kids this book!

Children might look at you a little strange for saying these ten things. But in the inside, they’ll be glowing!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.