Jason’s first school dance happened last night. Do you remember your first school dance? I believe mine was in middle school. Laura’s was in first grade, and Jason’s now was in first grade. It was a high honor to help him get ready and be his mom to accompany him.
A few weeks ago, Jason came home from school. He pulled out his orange folder excitedly, and said, “There is a dance at my school!” Jason handed me the cute invitation. With his big brown eyes looking at me he eagerly waited for my response. I said, “of course we can go!!!” He smiled wide.
Jason’s dancing feet
Before Jason could walk, he loved to dance. He would move to music sitting in his high chair. We all laughed at how much rhythm he had and his great dance moves. As he learned how to walk, his dancing improved and mad everyone smile. Jason loves music and dancing.
Jason really wanted Laura to go with him to the dance. Laura is the opposite of Jason. While she likes music and dancing, she saves it for plays and the chorus. Even when she had elementary school dances, she rather sit and watch or do crafts. But, since Laura absolutely adores her brother, she agreed.
Jason asked me to buy him a black suit with a white button down shirt and red tie. He asked Laura to wear a red dress that her grandmother bought her for Christmas. We all thought it was funny he had a whole look in mind.
The day arrived
As soon as the outfit came in, Jason tried it on and it fit. Unfortunately, the day before the dance, Laura came home early from school with the stomach flu. She wasn’t well enough to go to the dance. We were all highly disappointed. Jeff went in her place to help me take pictures and such.
Jeff helped Jason with his suit and Jason requested hair style. Jason liked the dress I wore because it matched his black, red and white theme. He looked so handsome that my heart melted right on the spot.
As soon as we entered the school gym, Jason searched for his friend. When he saw her, his face lit up happily. They spent the whole time together, chasing each other, talking and playing with balloons. It was so fun watching them enjoy themselves.
I’m so happy Jason had a great time and I could be there. I had a quick glimpse of watching him go to prom.. All in a blink of an eye..