Grateful to spend time with my children everyday

Grateful hearts

Grateful is a feeling that can actually change your life. Let me explain. When someone feels thankful, your spirit relaxes and opens your heart to new experiences. I try to have a grateful heart even when life is difficult. My children are the most reason for my gratefulness.

On Sunday, the weather was unseasonably warm for mid January. I don’t like the cold so I always welcome warm weather. After teaching my PREP (Catholic education,) going to Mass, and eating breakfast with my kids, dad and nephew-Jason and I had a fun afternoon!

Let the grateful adventure begin

Laura and my nephew wanted to go to an adventure at Pickering Creek. They both enjoy hiking and exploring parks. Although they invited Jason, he said he rather hang out with me which of course made my heart glow!

Jason asked me several times during the past week to take him to 7-11. We live very close to the convenience store and can easily walk to many places. This makes it so much easier for me since I cannot drive, but I love taking my kids places by myself.

We walked to the store, and Jason bought a Slurpee and candy. The adorable part about it is that he had to buy his sister candy too. I love his generosity. We saw a child and her mom that Jason goes to school with and said Hi. The mom helped Jason with his Slurpee.

We had a nice walk home and talked about everything. When we returned home, we let the dogs outside, and we played on the deck for awhile. We blew bubbles, ran races and played with the dogs. Jason asked me if we could go to the playground. I pleasantly agreed!

The playground is a seven minute walk from our house. I enjoyed watching Jason play on the equipment and hear his contagious laugh. After awhile, the wind picked up, and I was cold. We walked home at the very same time that Jeff came home from work. He made a delicious dinner.

Laura came home shortly after. We all had dinner together and prepared for a busy week!

Time with Laura

Laura has been a very busy teenager. She is getting ready for a play, President of a club, active in Girl Scouts, getting ready for Confirmation and social life. Of course, keeping her grades high is important too.

Last night she felt stressed because she had a lot going on. I couldn’t help her a lot physically, but I sat up with her to keep her company. She completed a poster for Girl Scouts cookie selling season. As she did this, I helped her study for a science test and memorize a speech. She appreciated my time and company.

I have a full grateful heart.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.