What is cerebral palsy? An Explanation of CP

What is Cerebral palsy

Did you know that people with disabilities can do pretty much the same as everyone else – but they might do it differently or need a little help?  I know many of you might wonder why I use a wheelchair and what is my disability.  Today I’m going to explain about my disability and you can ask me any questions about myself or disability.

For example, if I tell my legs to be still, they will probably move. If I tell my hands to pick up something , it might take awhile and might drop it.  So I use a wheelchair because my legs do not receive the proper signals to walk. However, I can stand if someone helps me with support.  At home, I am often out of my wheelchair and can do things on my own out of my chair.

What is cerebral palsy?

My disability is called cerebral palsy.  It basically means when I was born, my brain didn’t have enough oxygen.  Without oxygen, the parts of my brain that help control my muscles were damaged.  I can feel just like you, think just like you, and do things like you.  What I have trouble with is controlling my muscles including muscles that help you talk clearly.

I refuse to let my cerebral palsy get in the way of my dreams. Having cerebral palsy is just one part of the many parts that make me who I am.   I went to college and became a teacher since I love to teach. I was Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania and traveled teaching about disabilities for a year. I’m married and have two children because I love being a mom. Every other weekend, I play power chair hockey by having a hockey stick fastened to my wheelchair.  I play goalie with the Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay.  I also like to dance, animals, watching tv, music and playing games!

So when you think about disabilities, remember that the person is much more than the disability.  You can talk to me, I can help you with homework and am here for you.  I might just do it a little differently.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.