An Amazing Teacher Making Camping a Reality For a A Student With Cerebral Palsy

July 30, 2018 0

Imagine being an elementary school student, and your class planned an overnight camping trip. You feel excited! But, then you remember about your disability and Read More

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The Terrible Plastic Straw Ban Has Worsened

July 27, 2018 0

I feel scared when I think about the plastic straw ban. In a society that insists on equal rights for everyone, where are the equal rights Read More

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Coping As A Mom With Cerebral Palsy

July 26, 2018 0

Coping as a mother with a disability brings an unique dimension to motherhood. Let’s face the facts – being a good, responsible, loving mother takes Read More

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Graduation Can Give Anxiety to People With Disabilities

July 4, 2018 0

My son graduated from Pre Kindergarten in 2018. I have seen several graduation celebrations. Graduation is a bitter sweet moment. On one hand, you feel Read More

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Banning Plastic Straws Affects A Huge Population Of People With Disabilities

July 2, 2018 0

How many times a day do you have something to drink? A straw might not be needed for you, For most people, drinking is as Read More

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