Homeschooling Awareness Month Is Excellent And In May

Homeschooling awareness month is celebrated in May. Homeschooling is increasing in popularity. It has grown nearly four percent in the last decade. Teaching children at home by parents, tutors or educators are all genuine techniques of homeschooling.

Homeschooling is certainly not for everyone.  It takes commitment. Organization, environment, the right teacher and the tools are all needed. Keeping track of grades, curriculum and the records are all just a part of the job.

For many children and their families, this choice is awesome and the correct choice for them. However, homeschooling is a case by case scenario and  not everyone is ready or right for the position. Luckily, everyday there are more and more web sites and resources available to homeschool families. No need to homeschool by yourself.

To start homeschooling, you need to check with your local school district to see their requirements. Several curriculum handbooks and systems are available for you to try.   Cyber school might also be an alternative to meet your child’s needs.

Homeschool can give you a flexible schedule as long as you get everything completed.  Math can suddenly be in the grocery store for budgeting, adding, subtraction plus more. The creativity and freedom of homeschool is really nice. A hands on approach with real life experiences can resonate in a child more than just sitting in a classroom.

Many people choose homeschooling based on education needs, bullying, religious needs or just wanting to spend tIme with their children. As many families that homeschool know, it is a commitment of time, education, keeping track and love. Homeschooling is not something that can just fall to the side and forget about.  It’s serious business. When considering homeschool, try to think about all the factors and see if it’s the right fit.

Congratulations and happy homeschooling month to all those who do homeschool.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.