Cerebral Palsy And The Mental Health Connection

Cerebral palsy is a physical disability that impacts the coordination and muscle tone. But, what about mental health with someone who has cerebral palsy? How does the physical impact of cerebral palsy affect the mental state?

The Question Of Mental Health

Several years ago, my attendant talked to me about her daughter who had cerebral palsy. She asked me if I ever took antidepressants for my mental health. At the time, I thought that this was a surprising question, but now I understand it a bit better.  By the way, no I have never took antidepressants for anything so far in my life.

Even though cerebral palsy is a physical disability, think about the outside world affecting the person on a daily basis. Society, as a whole, hasn’t been the most accepting of people who have cerebral palsy. People and children stare and often not include someone to social functions based on the disability. Finding the right social group is more of a challenge than the actual cerebral palsy. 

In school, not everyone is as accepting towards you as one would think that they should be. Fighting is one word I would describe my school years because everything became a fight until I proved myself. I also found school socially to be difficult because children and teenagers struggle to fit in and find their own identity. By accepting me, in their minds, could jeopardize their own social status.

School and childhood are tricky events for people with cerebral palsy. All your life teachers, therapists, support systems and families tell you that you can be anything that you set your mind to accomplishing.  Then you grow up and become an adult and realize the harsh reality that employment isn’t as easy as you visioned. You know without a doubt that you can handle the job role but getting hired seems like an impossible task. Too often employers see the disability but not the credentials.  It is high time that we change that line of thinking and show the world our value. But, unfortunately, trying to obtain the job that you want can be a toll on your mental health.

Sometimes the person requires physical assistance with dressing, using the bathroom, eating, showering and hygiene. Needing someone in your personal business 24/7 gets tiring and can impact self esteem.  I can’t express enough how much better that I feel when I accomplish a task without assistance. 

How To Deal With Mental Health

Mental health issues aren’t all negative when it comes to dealing with your disability. Choosing to feel through the pain knowing that there is always hope makes a person stronger. Many people with disabilities are said to patient.  Patient is needed in so many levels such as waiting for your care or dealing with a difficult person. Patience also comes i when finding the right job, right teacher or right relationship. Cerebral palsy gives someone a whole different perspective to life that no one else might have.

Talking out your mental health issue is the best way to find a solution. Never think less of yourself to go talk to a professional to help you sort things out. Medication might be needed just to help you sort thing out.  Always discuss how you feel with your doctor and how the medications are helping or not really helping. Positivity and hope are excellent tools to help you deal with society and your disability.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.