How I Saved Money This Week Shopping By Using Coupons

Before I had Jason, I was an avid coupon lady. I cut coupons, used the  binder, sorted and shopped all of the best deals. For some reason, after I had Jason, I stopped cutting coupons  as much. I still did but nothing like before even though I really should have kept up with coupons.

Toward the end of January, my friend and I went to an extreme coupon class. Just like that I went back into the coupon game and started saving money! Yes, it takes some time and effort, but I have fun with it and like to see how low I can go. I think everyone could benefit from getting coupons and doing it.

Now instead of using a binder, I keep coupons in a crate and cut only what I need. I use web sites such as and

Lets take this week for example – I spent a total of $55 but I purchased the following:

2 packages of baby tomatoes



strawberries and blueberries

5 packs of tic tac gum

8 boxes of Pasta

6 boxes of General Mills cereal

Tide pods


bounty paper towels, Charmin toilet paper, Puffs tissues, Dawn dish soap, Alwayd

4 cans of chef boyardi

chocolate milk

orbits gum

I feel pretty good about this because before my average grocery shopping ranged from $60-100 and I would buy less!  We went to five stores to get the right savings. Drug stores can provide some of the best deals!

If interested in knowing what I did, here was my coupon plan for this week:

Cvs – Tide pods – coupon load to card – 12-16 count, Purex 

Rite Aid – General Mills Cereal- ss 2/11 – 3 coupons .75 off 2


1 puffs tissue for $1

1 bounty paper tower 5.99

1 Charmin toilet paper 5.99

1 always pads 5.49

1 dawn liquid soap 2.99

I printed all of these coupons from

Chocolate milk 

Acme  – Barilla pasta rp 2/11 – 5 coupons – .55 for 2

Tic tac gum – ss 2/11 – 5 coupons = .19 each

Produce junction 





Check out the Krazy Coupon Lady for coupon match ups.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

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