Top 10 List That You Might Not Know About Jessica

Most people might know me as the woman who has cerebral palsy and children. Some might know that I’m a Special Education teacher and writer who had breast cancer.   But here is a fun top ten list of things that you might not have known about me.  Enjoy!!

  1. I would try to do anything humanly possible not to hurt someone’s feelings. I don’t like to see anyone hurt or even close to being hurt, and certainly don’t want to be the cause of pain.
  2. One of my favorite times of the day is when the house is quiet, kids are happily sleeping and my husband and I relax and hold hands.
  3. I am a hard worker because I like making a difference and helping others. I see a goal and like to complete it.
  4. Trust is very difficult for me. It takes time for me to give it to you so please don’t break it.
  5. Friendships mean a great deal to me. I like to be invited and included in things no matter what they are.
  6. Drama free is how I prefer to live my life. I like calm and am not a fan of yelling.
  7. I try my very best to look for the good in people. Instead of assuming the worst, I try to assume the best.  I tend to have pretty good instincts so if you’re up to no good, just stop.
  8. My passions in life are being the best mother I can, being the best wife I can, following God’s plan, teaching and writing.
  9. I like to deal with facts and seek factual information. I don’t need a lot of fluff. Just give me the facts, and we’re good.
  10. I am very adventurous, and if I could walk, I’d be into even more of everything I am into now.  I’ll try just about anything because I love life and want to experience it all!
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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.