Why I Am Thankful For Having Cerebral Palsy

Five orange pumpkins sit in a row in front of a distressed, wooden background.
Five thankful oange pumpkins sit in a row in front of a distressed, wooden background.
Five orange pumpkins sit in a row in front of a distressed, wooden background.

Thanksgiving brings to mind several thoughts. Many think about family, friends, traditions and food. Gratitude keeps us being optimistic. Having cerebral palsy tempts complaints. Despite  having cerebral palsy, there are reasons to be thankful.

Give thanks for improved medical knowledge and advances. Medical conditions have improved for babies with disabilities. In the several decades, babies born with disabilities often died due to lack of medicine. Young children have physical, speech and occupational therapy to improve their quality of life.

Be thankful for the amazing technology.  Cerebral palsy affects motor skills in both our hands and limbs. Lack of these motor skills contributes to lack of being able to write, talk, walk and other daily living activities. Ereaders, such as Amazon Kindles, helps someone with dexterity problems read books because holding a paperback book is impossible. Tablets help us write, communicate, bank, shop, work, and socialize. Computers and laptops came a long way in independence.

Give thanks for inclusion in the education system. No longer are we pushed into one classroom to be in the back of a class. Inclusion starts in early childhood. Colleges open to students with disabilities. Teachers know how to educate students with disabilities. Students seem more accepting being friends with others with disabilities. Even school sport teams and student organizations include others.

Be thankful that employment is trying to make strides in hiring employees with disabilities.  Jobs are steadily openingto those with cerebral palsy. When looking back, you will quickly notice that hardly anyone with cerebral palsy being hired. Unfortunately, hiring people with cerebral palsy is far from perfect. But as a whole, it’s easier getting a job or starting your own business.

I am thankful for motorized wheelchairs that have customizations. My motorized wheelchair allows me to be comfortable and independent. I’m thankful for personal care services that allow me and many others live healthy, independent and dignifying lives. I am thankful to be married and have children because having a family wasn’t always easy to achieve with cerebral palsy. I am thankful for my friends and family who support plus love me despite my challenges.

The next time that your spasms are crazy, try to think of everything to give thanks. People with cerebral palsy who lived in the past would love to have what we have now. So smile, focus and continue to live your dreams.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

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