Welcome To CP Mommy Why This Blog Exists

Hello! Welcome to my little outlet to the world via my blog. You might think to yourself “oh yay another mom blog,l Well, you’re half way correct in that I do write a lot about being a mom,  but my blog is a little different than the rest.

I have a disability known as cerebral palsy. Several medical professionals might classify me as severe cerebral palsy because I cannot walk and need help in many everyday tasks.  I beat most odds against me and might be a little crazy but never would classify myself as ‘severe.’

So, when I decided that I wanted to have a baby back in 2006, I scanned the Internet for any information. Sadly, I hardly found any real information on parenting with a disability. It was uncharted territory. Now I know why – when you have a baby you have no time to eat/sleep let alone write about it!  But I am happy to say that now parenting with a disability is more common.

I have two children now, and I’m married. I have dogs and cats in a house in Pennsylvania.  I’m a certified teacher that is always looking for work as a writer, teacher, blogger etc as I raise my children to be the best kindest human beings that they can be.

I enjoy playing games, watching some TV, reading, going places and playing power chair hockey. I believe parenting is the most important job we can do. Every word and action are important and never forgotten by a child. Staying happy and positive are difficult all of the time but necessary.

Introducing The Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay Power Wheelchair Team

I began this blog back when my daughter was almost 4. I write this blog to entertain you, educate you and learn about myself.  I hope you enjoy, and please leave me feedback and contact me.

Happy reading!

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

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