The Beginning of Kindergarten and Middle School

September 2, 2018 0

  When Jason graduated pre k in June, we all knew that Kindergarten school  journey began.  Laura decided to leave Renaissance Academy, we knew Phoenixville Read More

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Biking With My Children Is Memorable And Awesome

September 12, 2017 1

Two years ago for Christmas, Jeff bought Jason a balance bike. Balance bikes are without pedals to teach your child how to balance. He didn’t quite Read More

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Jason’s First Day Of Pre Kindergarten

September 5, 2017 0

My son, Jason, had his first day of pre kindergarten today. Ironically , he slept in until past 8 o’clock which never happens. I can’t Read More

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Labor Day Means Bye To Summer

September 4, 2017 0

I really don’t want summer to end, but it needs to, unfortunately. Today is Labor Day, and the unofficial day of summer. The weather has Read More

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Fifth Grade Laura

August 29, 2017 2

Laura is now in fifth grade! Where has the time gone? Have you ever wanted to go back in time to see the child at Read More

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How Education Has Changed For People With Disabilities

August 27, 2017 0

Like I say every year, I cannot believe how fast summer has gone by. Summer goes way too fast, in my opinion, and I’m a Read More

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20 Things That Will Make Your Kids Smile

August 22, 2017 0

Children aren’t very complicated as we make them to be.  Parenting is difficult but love is what the child wants.  Parents complicate matters. Children are Read More

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20 Day Mommy Challenge

August 22, 2017 0

Being a mom is a challenge but it is definitely the best job on the planet. Mothers are always trying to do better and be Read More

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