The Possibility Of Breast Cancer Loomed Over Me After Mammogram

September 10, 2018 0

While sitting at my annual physical appointment, my doctor said, “Oh, and you are due for your annual mammogram!” I cringed because no woman, that Read More

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Advice For Parents With Children Who Have Disabilities

September 2, 2018 0

Being a parent to a child with a disability takes some extra resources and energy. From the moment a parent hears a diagnosis, the entire world Read More

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Why I Despise Thunderstorms But Getting Better For My Kids

October 29, 2017 0

Most people that know me also know that I really do not like thunderstorms. I’m not sure when my fear happened but ever since I Read More

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Welcome To CP Mommy Why This Blog Exists

October 29, 2017 2

Hello! Welcome to my little outlet to the world via my blog. You might think to yourself “oh yay another mom blog,l Well, you’re half Read More

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Acceptance Of Yourself With A Disability Is Not Easy Like Cerebral Palsy

October 12, 2017 0

Cerebral palsy varies between person to person in how the disability affects someone. The limitations in one person might be completely different than the other Read More

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20 Things That Will Make Your Kids Smile

August 22, 2017 0

Children aren’t very complicated as we make them to be.  Parenting is difficult but love is what the child wants.  Parents complicate matters. Children are Read More

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