How Society Views People With Cerebral Palsy

August 22, 2017 0

Have you ever had a day when you forget that you have cerebral palsy? You simply wake up, do your normal routine and don’t even Read More

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20 Day Mommy Challenge

August 22, 2017 0

Being a mom is a challenge but it is definitely the best job on the planet. Mothers are always trying to do better and be Read More

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How school has changed with cerebral palsy 

August 17, 2017 0

Like I say every year, I cannot believe how fast summer has gone by. Summer goes way too fast, in my opinion, and I’m a Read More

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Mommy Walks On Wheels Because She Has Cerebral Palsy

April 22, 2017 0

I have been giving talks about disabilities for as long as I can remember. But as a parent,  nothing has been more difficult than looking Read More

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Family Update

December 5, 2016 0

I realized that it’s been way too long since I wrote about the little details about what is going on with our little family. I’ve Read More

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