Top 10 Items Every Substitute Teacher Needs In A Sub Bag

Substitute teacher bag

Substitute teachers have super powers! Being a substitute teacher is a lot of work, but the pay offs are amazing. I am new to being a substitute teacher, but I am not new to teaching. Being prepared is the number 1 attribute for being a wonderful substitute teacher. It’s all about how ready you are mentally and what tricks you have in the bag.

What is a substitute bag?

I never thought of a sub bag being so important, but it is! Think of it like this – you don’t have a classroom. Everyday you’re in a different room that has various supplies that you may or may not be able to find immediately.

With a sub bag, you can carry your very own personal classroom with you. My daughter was thoughtful enough to buy me a nice big bag for Christmas. It has many pockets for various supplies. You can get this bag for under $50 and it’ll hold everything you could need.

What do I need in the sub bag?

Believe it or not, you might want to keep a fully stocked bag. Think of it as having a baby, but you need it in the classroom. You can keep personal belongings that are important to you such as a brush, mirror etc. But you also need essentials for the classroom. Here is a list of what I carry, but every bag is unique. These are my suggestions! If you have any thing to add, please let me know!

  • Clipboard – A clipboard can be invaluable when teaching. You can keep notes on it throughout the day, hold seating charts, attendance and reminders for yourself throughout the day.
  • Pencils – We all know that students often forget or lose their pencils. I know my daughter often didn’t have any because she would lend them out to others. So, instead of being upset that they don’t have one, just thoughtfully hand them one. A kind gesture can go a long way.
  • Three ring binder – A binder helps you with your important papers, teacher ideas, extra worksheets, jokes and any plans that you might need. It keeps your papers organized and ready.
  • Tissues for you and a student if you cannot find any.
  • Tape and glue
  • Scissors – One day I was teaching, and a student needed scissors so I was able to help them out by having my own.
  • Loose leaf paper – Paper is especially important when you don’t know where it is. Always keep a pack handy and ready.
  • Mini stapler – A mini stapler is easy to carry and ready to use whenever the situation arises.
  • Stickers, joke books, erasers etc.
  • Book holder – A book holder is important when you’re a teacher with a disability especially. It’ll hold your papers and books so you can comfortably read without worry.
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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.

2 Comments on Top 10 Items Every Substitute Teacher Needs In A Sub Bag

  1. I always found that “sticky notes“ came in handy and a few pens.

    For middle school subbing, a snack bar to keep up your energy, during a break.

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