September 11 Impacted All Of Our Lives Forever

September 11

I remember clearly September 11, 2001 as if it were yesterday.  I lived at my dad’s house and already graduated college.  My office was down the hall from my bedroom, and I had Good Morning America on as I worked. I watched the plane crashing into the World Trade Center, I felt disbelief and horrified! September 11 forever etched in my memory.

My dad worked downstairs in the living room. I called downstairs, “Dad, come quickly! A plane just hit the World Trade Center!!” He thought I was joking or it was a movie. My dad came upstairs, and we both watched the television together in shock. We watched the second plane hit the towers.  The world realized that the planes crashing were not an accident. We were under attack.

I watched the television all day. I remember watching the towers fall, the plane in Pennsylvania and Pentagon crash.  It felt surreal, scary and sad.  I prayed, hoped and worried.

True Love Lost

One story continues to haunt me even seventeen years later. That night, people were calling into the news stations with their experiences and searching for loved ones.  A man called in search of his fiancé who worked at the World Trade Center. He spoke clearly through the emotion. He described her appearance and where she worked. She was trying to evacuate from the tower. He loved her very much. I had tears hearing him speak and prayed she was safe. To this day I think about them and wonder if she was safe, and they were together. I’d love to think they are.

I remember patriotism. Churches were full. People forgetting petty arguments and remembering how precious life is to all. I do miss those days of unity. I pray that people never forget the heroism of September 11 and the love of others. Never again should we see such devastation.

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.