About This Blog
Hello, my name is Jessica Grono! I created this blog to advocate about cerebral palsy. As a first time pregnant mother,  I encountered difficulties finding  information about cerebral palsy and pregnancy.  Because of the lack of information, I have this blog to help parents with disabilities, women with breast cancer, parents and anyone interested in disabilities.
My BiographyÂ
My family and I live in southeast Pennsylvania. I’m a mother of an amazing daughter and son. My first husband died unexpectedly from suicide leaving me a single mother to my daughter. A few years later, I met my current husband who works as a nurse and is my best friend. We have two dogs and three cats. I play the goalie position for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay hockey team.
Since birth, I have cerebral palsy. I use a motorized wheelchair for mobility. When I’m home, I’m more independent on the floor.  Shortly after I turned 40, I had the diagnosis of breast cancer and needed a double mastectomy.
I graduated from Edinboro University in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. I earned with a bachelor of science in education and certified in special education.  Teaching helped when I was former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania and am a disability advocate. I also work as a writer, columnist and teacher.
Based on my life and experiences, I present informative and motivational speeches.
Speaking topics (but not limited to):
Raising children happy, healthy and smart
Making marriage work as a team
Educating about disabilities
Overcoming when someone commits suicide
What nurses (or medical professionals) need to know about disabilities
What teachers need to know about inclusion
Overcoming obstacles
Reaching your dreams
What children need to know about differences
Traveling with a disability
Contact informationÂ
I would love to work with your brand on this blog, speaking engagements or other positions. Please contact me at jdm19460@gmail.com