Way Better App Has Improved My Health

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Photo by Emre Can Acer on Pexels.com

Exercise is my best defense to enjoying a pain-free yet independent life. The more I exercise, the more control I have over my arms and legs. I believe I gain more power because I have to force my muscles to do a specific job. When they move in a certain way, they get used to listening to the proper messages the brain is sending. I have less pain because I’m moving and keeping active. The more I sit still, the more pain I feel.

Strength is great for anyone, but with cerebral palsy, you’d want all the strength you can get. For example, when I pull up in the bathroom to use the toilet, I rely on my arms and legs to pull me up. I can tell when I’m not working out as much as I should because pulling up is more challenging, and I need help to get on the toilet. I would much rather pull up by myself.

For most people, motivation is difficult to find and maintain. I find myself going through stages where I work out often, and then I can’t care less about exercise. Most of us have the procrastination issue.  I found something that has worked for me, and I have been using the program for six months.

I use the Way Better app. No, I am not a salesperson, nor do I work for them in any way. Thanks to a Facebook advertisement, I learned to keep myself mentally motivated to exercise. The Way Better app lets you control how much or little you want to do.

There are three categories to choose from: nutrition, mindset, and fitness. You also have a choice between financial commitment and friend accountability. I choose financial because money is a big motivation not to give up. I have yet to lose a challenge because I hate to lose money.

Financial Challenge

  1. You pay to join a particular challenge.
  2. You complete the challenge.
  3. You get back what you paid, plus money is divided among those who did not complete the challenge.

My Results

I recently completed a challenge to reach 11,300 steps five days a week for six weeks straight. Steps come to me by working out my arms.  My other challenges included journal writing, crunches, reading books, healthy eating, drinking water, being outside, muscle building, and gratitude.

I feel stronger, healthier, and far less joint pain. In addition to the physical gains, I have also added money to my account. Let me know how it works for you if you give it a chance. What motivates you to keep exercising?

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About Jessica Grono
Jessica Grono is a special education teacher, public speaker and writer. She is former Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania. She plays goalie for Philadelphia Flyers PowerPlay! Jessica is happily married with two children. She has cerebral palsy.