Personal recommendations can help someone get through the coronavirus. I’m not a medical professional. But I am a woman with cerebral palsy who lived through the coronavirus. Although each person has a different reaction to the virus, I find it helpful to know what someone has lived through. It is also helpful to know what has helped them. Please always check with your doctor if you have any questions or problems.
The coronavirus test is a bit scary. I’ve had many medical tests and procedures so I thought I would be prepared for anything. Although it wasn’t the worst thing in my life, it felt uncomfortable. My husband and I were giving a time to come test. Luckily, we arrived early and were number three in the line of cars. Behind us, it looked like 50 cars lined up to test.
A nurse came out to take our information and check our state IDs. Then, another set of nurses came out to personal administrate the test. They warn your that it’ll hurt. You close your eyes, tilt your head back and the person sticks a long q tip way down your nose. Tears instinctively come to your eyes and it stings. Recommendation- Stay calm, remember that it’s temporary pain, it doesn’t take long and count to 30. You might feel some stinging afterwards, but that will pass.
I received my positive test that evening. It came as a shock because I felt I definitely would be negative. So, I felt very disappointed. Recommendation- Be prepared for any result because you just don’t know regardless if you feel any symptoms. If positive, you’ll likely feel shock. Don’t panic and remember most cases aren’t severe or hospital warranted. Call a friend, family member for support. Also, let people know who you’ve been in contact with that you’re positive so they are aware.
Coronavirus symptoms
Unfortunately, the coronavirus can hit everyone so different. Your mindset helps tremendously. Prayer and meditation of the Rosary helped me feel like no matter what happened, I’d be okay. Being in shape helped. Even though I have cerebral palsy, I still kept physically active and a healthy weight. I heard that the healthier you are, the better.
Excedrin helped me with my headaches more than anything else. I had a horrible headache. So keep headache medication available. I also had stomach issues but it felt like if I kept my headache away or down, I wasn’t as nauseous.
Keeping hydrated is extremely important. I wasn’t so great at this even though my family tried. Gatorade is helpful and necessary. If you don’t drink, organs can be compromised so please keep drinking.
Personal confusion
You might experience personal confusion and forgetfulness. It doesn’t last long (for me anyway) but it felt weird to have it. Just try to remember that it’s temporary. Have someone remind you to eat, rest and drink. If you don’t have anyone, contact me and I’ll be that person.
Rest and watch tv or sleep. But remember to try to be a little active so your lungs keep oxygen and strong.
Oxygen levels
Oxygen levels are important to keep you safe. Get an oxygen meter and often keep check on your levels. Ask your doctor what is your safe level. If you go below that level, you will need to go to the Emergency Room.
Taste and smell
On the second day, I realized that my taste and were affected. I couldn’t smell my husband’s cologne, cleaning products, and food tasted bland. I decided to have a Skittle but couldn’t taste the flavor. These affects lasted longer more than I’d like but coming back. Use salt and if any food tastes good, go for it. Some days you might think it’s getting better but then it gets worse but it’ll return.
Speaking of taste, you might get this indescribable taste in your mouth. I kept brushing my teeth trying to get rid of it. Today is the first day that I didn’t taste it! It’ll pass.
Hang in there, take care of yourself and reach out. Don’t go through it alone.